19th Airline Marketing Workshop

Do the mATH

The AIA Marketing Team

Athens Market Overview 2018

Mrs. Christina Carambela, Managing Director, qed market research, Mrs. Maripola Kotsi, Supervisor, Market Research, AIA

People of Greece 2009-2019: Their new way of thinking …dream – experience -narrate!

Mr. Joseph Avramides, Manager, Data Protection & Compliance, AIA

Some privacy please: The untold quest of passenger data.

Pascal Buchner, CIO, International Air Transport Association (IATA)

How to develop and protect your brand in the digital world.

Patrick Schwerdtfeger, Business Futurist

How is AI Changing the Aviation & Tourism Business?

Dr. Nikolaos Mavridis, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Academic and Consultant in Robotics and AI

Artificial Intelligence, Humans and the future of Aviation.