
Currency exchange

Currency exchange services at Athens airport are provided by ONExchange, offering a wide range of different currencies.
Currency exchange sign

Buying and selling more than 60 different currencies, 365 days a year. Onexchange accepts all debit and credit cards, offers money transfer service through Western Union and provides V.A.T. refunds in partnership with Global Blue and Planet Tax Refund companies.

Operating hours
Monday - Sunday 10:00 - 02:00 - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

Operating hours
Monday - Sunday 07:00 - 23:00 - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

Operating hours
Monday - Sunday 09:00 - 17:00 - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

Operating hours
Monday - Sunday on a 24 hour basis - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

Operating hours
Monday - Sunday 06:00 - 22:00 - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

Operating hours
Monday - Sunday 06:00 - 00:00 - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

Operating hours
Monday - Sunday 06:00 - 22:00 - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

Operating hours
Monday - Sunday 06:00 - 22:00 - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

Operating hours
Monday - Sunday 05:00 - 21:00 - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

Operating hours
Monday - Sunday on a 24 hour basis - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

Operating hours
Monday - Sunday 05:00 - 21:00 - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

Operating hours
Monday - Sunday 06:00 - 22:00 - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

V.A.T. refunds through Global Blue and Planet Tax Free at Onexchange Bureau de Change branches

Operating hours
Daily on a 24 hour basis - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

Operating hours
Daily on a 24 hour basis - The operating hours may be modified due to exceptional circumstances by individual stores.

We offer you a wide range of services

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Airport Information Services

Answering your questions 24/7
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Post Office

Postal services for all your mailing needs at Athens airport.
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Health and Wellness Services

Learn more about essential health services at Athens airport, including pharmacy and medical assistance.
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Family Facilities & Services

Family facilities and services at Athens airport provide comfort and convenience, ensuring an enjoyable travel experience with children.