Currency Declaration (Arrivals)

Any  person entering or leaving the EU (i.e. any traveller or crew member that enters or leaves the EU by air, road, rail or sea) and carrying cash of a value of €10,000 or more is required to declare that sum to the competent authorities of the Member State through which he/she is entering or leaving the EU.

Upon your Arrival at Athens Airport and before you Exit the Baggage Reclaim Area, you must proceed to Customs Office for Currency Declaration.

For further information on currency declaration please see Related Topics.

Currency Declaration (Departures)

Any person entering or leaving the EU (i.e. any traveller or crew member that enters or leaves the EU by air, road, rail or sea) and carrying cash of a value of €10,000 or more is required to declare that sum to the competent authorities of the Member State through which he/she is entering or leaving the EU.

If your flight is to non-EU destination and after you have passed through Passport Control, you must proceed to Customs Office for Currency Declaration.

For further information on currency declaration please see Related Topics.

Alcohol and tobacco

When travelling from one EU country to another, you can take tobacco and alcohol products with you for personal use but not for resale.

Under EU law, you do not have to prove that  the goods are for your personal use if you are carrying quantities fewer than the ones included in the EU web site.

For further information on alcohol and tobacco please see Related Topics.

Restrictions of Products of animal origin

There are no general restrictions on carrying any animal origin products if you are travelling within the EU, since all EU countries have to respect strict common veterinary standards.

There are strict procedures and veterinary controls on the introduction of products of animal origin into the European Union (eg. meat, meat products, milk and milk products) by travelers.

For further information on restrictions on products of animal origin please see Related Topics.


There are strict procedures and phytosanitary controls on the introduction of plants (flowers, seeds) plant products (fruits vegetables )and other objects (wood packaging material) into the European Union by travelers. For further information on restrictions concerning plants, plant products and other objects, please see phytosanitary instructions on  Related Topics.

Animals & Plants

You may carry animals or plants when you are travelling within EU countries. But most EU countries do have strict rules on transporting endangered species or products derived from them. You may need a permit to travel with certain species.