Page 84 - AEROSTAT 2023






Page 84 - AEROSTAT 2023
P. 84
Monthly Punctuality Statistics

Main Events Proportion of Delayed Average Delay (min) Proportion of Delayed Average Delay (min)
Afecting Flights for more of Flights Delayed for Flights for more than of Flights Delayed for
Punctuality than 15 minutes more than 15 minutes 15 minutes more than 15 minutes

January — 15.1% 40.9 12.8% 42.3
February — 16.7% 41.0 13.3% 41.6
March — 17.7% 42.5 16.1% 38.2
April — 31.1% 40.8 31.0% 40.4
May — 42.9% 41.1 46.3% 39.6
June — 46.3% 41.2 41.6% 41.8
July — 57.2% 45.1 46.5% 47.3
August — 50.9% 40.8 39.7% 43.2
September — 44.6% 41.9 35.4% 44.5
October — 31.5% 39.2 23.1% 43.0
November — 26.0% 36.7 20.5% 40.6
December — 18.5% 40.6 16.5% 42.4
Total — 36.5% 41 31.1% 42

Proportion of Delay Reasons


Reactionary 44.44 % 41.24 %
Air Traic Flow Management 26.61 % 18.98 %
Restrictions at Airport of Departure 6.44 % 14.75 %
Aircraft & Ramp Handling 4.79 % 5.19 %
Technical & Aircraft Equipment 2.31 % 3.97 %
Flight Operations & Crewing 2.74 % 3.04 %
Passenger & Baggage 3.11 % 3.03 %
Airport Facilities 3.23 % 2.34 %
PRM 2.04 % 2.27 %
Weather 1.12 % 1.59 %
Immigrations,Customs, Health 0.41 % 0.99 %
Miscellaneous 0.38 % 0.62 %
Mandatory Security 0.68 % 0.55 %
Others 0.78 % 0.53 %
EDP/Other Automated Equipment Failure 0.18 % 0.29 %
Restrictions at Airport of Destination 0.03 % 0.18 %
Cargo & Mail 0.05 % 0.14 %
EDP/Airline Automated Equipment Failure 0.22 % 0.11 %
Baggage Processing 0.24 % 0.08 %
Damage to Aircraft 0.14 % 0.08 %
Restrictions at Airport of Destination 0.06 % 0.03 %
Mail Only 0.01 % 0.00 %
Flight Operations & Crewing 0.00 % 0.00 %
% of Delayed Flights for which a Delay Reason has been Reported 75.9% 88.8%

84 85
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88   89