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Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, Book Castle, 4th December 2019

An Athens International Airport Initiative

Each year, Athens International Airport is organizing “ACES-Athens”, a Symposium aiming to be a platform for the exchange of ideas among high-level airport executives. Although “ACES” stands for Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium, it is worth mentioning that esteemed representatives not only from air transport, but also from the tourism, financial and public sectors, participate every year since the 1st Symposium in 2013.

This year, ACES took place on December 4th 2019 at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, Book Castle, aiming at stimulating the dialogue on “Infrastructure Investments and Impact on Destinations”.

The 7th ACES-Athens Symposium focused on:

  1. Aviation Infrastructure Investments and the Future of Destinations: is there a growth
    vs. sustainability trade-off?
  2. Infrastructure Privatizations and their impact on Destinations: The Greek Paradigm

During the 7th annual Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium “ACES – Athens”, Athens International Airport announced “ROUTE 2025”, its official commitment to achieve Net Zero Carbon Emissions by 2025, prior to the target of 2050 set by Europe's Airports in June 2019.

In the official commitment, which was signed jointly by Dr. Yiannis Paraschis, CEO of Athens International Airport and Mr Olivier Jankovec, Director General, ACI EUROPE, Athens Airport, with a focus on 2025, committed to submit to ACI EUROPE:

  • By Q2 2020, a detailed Roadmap for the self-production of clean electricity within the airport boundaries via solar power for self-consumption purposes, aiming to cover 100% of the Airport Company's electricity needs, which corresponds to 91.1% of its current carbon footprint.
  • By Q4 2020, a detailed Roadmap for addressing the remaining 8.9% of its carbon footprint corresponding to direct emissions from fuel consumption onsite (via initiatives such as the use of electric vehicles, biodiesel, heat pumps, etc).

Through this significant, internationally pioneering initiative, Athens International Airport, having already decreased its carbon footprint by more than 40% since 2005 despite the doubling of passenger traffic and becoming accredited at the ultimate level of ACI’s Airport Carbon Accreditation program - Carbon Neutrality - since 2016, has the goal of becoming the first airport operator in Europe to cover 100% its electricity needs by on-site production from renewable sources and zeroing out its direct emissions from fuel consumption.

Additionally, it is worth mentioning that Athens International Airport (AIA) proudly hosted the 1st Digital Sky Challenge (DSC) ( jointly organized by the major aviation stakeholders (i.e. SESAR JU, ACI EUROPE, IATA, EASA, EUROCONTROL) on December 2nd-4th 2019; we feel indeed privileged that aviation unites in Athens for this 48-hour innovation contest in the framework of the SESAR Innovation Days 2019, aiming atcreating new digital technologies that will help meet the future needs of the European aviation system in terms of capacity, safety, efficiency, and environmental impact.

Symposium Agenda here.
Speakers' CVs here.

You can also view presentations here!

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Acropolis Museum, 3rd December 2018

An Athens International Airport Initiative.

The annual Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium “ACES – Athens”, an initiative launched in 2013 by Athens International Airport, took place for the 6th consecutive year, at the Acropolis Museum, one of the landmarks of the city of Athens.  

The “ACES – Athens” consistently aims at fostering constructive dialogue, highlighting, on the one hand, the interdependence between airports and the destinations they serve, and on the other, the overall contribution of the aviation industry and airports to the economic development of their destinations.

More than 150 top executives from the air transport, finance, and tourism sectors, responded to the call of Athens International Airport. This year’s “ACES – Athens” was held under the title

Growing Sustainably
A new strategy for Airports & Destinations

in line with the ACI EUROPE Initiative announced last June, focusing on the perceived need for a new Sustainability Era paving the way towards a broader vision and aholistic Business to Society Strategy for the Airports & the Destinations they serve.

Five airports – London/ Heathrow, Amsterdam, Munich, Naples and Athens - are the “ambassadors” of this ACI-EUROPE initiative.  Under the slogan “Looking for The Golden Ratio”, this year’s ACES dwelled on seeking the golden balance between Business and Society and the need for a new holistic Business to Society strategy.  

In specific, the topics analyzed were the following:

  • The contribution of Athens International Airport to the Greek economy: An update by the Foundation of Economic & Industrial Research (IOBE) of the socio-economic impact study of Athens International Airport, which was initially conducted by the Athens University of Economics and Business
  • A holistic Business to Society Strategy: A new Sustainability Era for the Airports & the Destinations they serve
  • Growing Sustainably: Managing Inclusive Growth & Infrastructure Development
  • The impact ofnew technologies on the way we understand, design and ultimately live in cities

Prominent executives from the global aviation industry, tourism, and travel & trade services, as well as distinguished speakers honoured the 6th ACES-Athens:

  • Mrs Angela Gittens, Director General, ACI World, Mr Olivier Jankovec, Director General, ACI EUROPE,  Mr Nikolaos Vettas, Professor of Economics, Department of Economics, Athens University of Economics and Business, and Director-General, IOBE and Prof. Carlo Ratti, MIT, Prof. of Urban Technologies and Planning / Director, SENSEable City Lab, were the Key Speakers

Panel I:

  • Mr Olivier Jankovec, Director General, ACI EUROPE – Moderator, Mr Armando Brunini, CEO, Naples International Airport - GESAC s.p.a., Dr Michael Kerkloh, CEO & President ADV, Flughafen München GmbH and President, ACI EUROPE, Mr Thomas Woldbye, CEO, Copenhagen Airport A/S, Dr Yiannis N. Paraschis, CEO, Athens International Airport S.A.

Panel II:

  • Mr Thodoris Georgakopoulos, Editorial Director, diaNEOsis – Moderator,Mrs Sofia Gkiousou, Regional Policy Campaign Manager EMEA+ at Airbnb, Mr Christos Harpantidis, Chairman and Managing Director, Papastratos CMC S.A., Mr Yanni Paniaras, Executive Director, Greek Region & Group Corporate Affairs, TITAN Chairman, SEV Business Council for Sustainable Development, Mr Alexandros Vassilikos, President, Hellenic Chamber of Hotels

Addressing the ACES – Athens guests, the CEO of Athens International Airport, Yiannis Paraschis, stated:

“For the sixth consecutive year, our ACES – Athens Symposium, an Athens airport initiative well established by now, became a great platform for the development of new ideas for airports and destinations.

This year we focused on the airports’ perceived need towards embracing a broader vision of sustainability and putting its holistic socio-economic dimension at the core of our business strategy. At the same time, within the framework of aviation as a major contributor to the global economy, we re-emphasized the contribution of the Athens airport to the local, national economy and employment through the most updated by IOBE study conducted by the Athens University of Economics and Business.

As hosts of this significant gathering in our city, we would like to convey our most sincere thanks to our distinguished guests and to all contributors to the success of the 6th ACES -Athens, that underlined once again the importance of cooperation, exchange of views, and solidarity towards the achievement of our common goals for growth and development.”

Symposium Agenda here.

Speakers' profiles here.

You can also view presentations here!


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ACES – Athens: 5th Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium.

Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center, 24 November 2017.

An Athens International Airport Initiative.

Each year, Athens International Airport is organizing “ACES-Athens”, a Symposium aiming to be a platform for the exchange of ideas among high-level airport executives. Although “ACES” stands for Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium, it is worth mentioning that esteemed representatives not only from air transport, but also from the tourism, financial and public sectors, participate every year since the 1st Symposium in 2013.

This year, ACES took place on November 24th 2017 at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Cultural Center and aims at stimulating the dialogue on “Western Threats and Eastern Promises: BREXIT Risks – Chinese Opportunities for Airports & Destinations”.

The 5th ACES-Athens Symposium will focus on:
  1. The BREXIT mapping and the wider repercussions for aviation & tourism.
  2. China-Europe: Current status and Prospects for the aviation & tourism market.
  3. The Chinese Traveler – Prospects for the European Destinations and

  4. On the 2013-2017 ACES’ review and Athens’ resurgence as a prime tourist destination during this period.

Symposium Agenda here.

Speakers' profiles here.

You can also view presentations here!


ACES – Athens: 4th Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium

An Athens International Airport Initiative

The 4th Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium (ACES – Athens), an Athens International Airport initiative hosted in Athens on an annual basis, was successfully held on December 12th. The ACES Symposium aims, on the one hand, at highlighting the interdependence between the air transport industry & airports and the development of the destinations they serve, and, on the other, at undertaking initiatives strengthening Athens as a tourist destination.

This year’s ACES–welcomed more than 140 top executives from the financial, tourism, maritime and cruise sectors, and focused on subjects such as:

  • the prospects of airports and ports synergies and their impact on destinations
  • the cruise industry perspectives and challenges

During the works of this year’s ACES, keynote speakers were, Mrs Angela Gittens, Director General ACI World, Dr Raphael von Heereman, Secretary General, Cruise Lines International Association (CLIA) Europe, and Mr Thanos Pallis, Secretary General, MedCruise and Ass. Prof. University of the Aegean.

On the occasion of the 4th Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium, AIA’s CEO, Yiannis Paraschis, highlighted:

“Our ACES – Athens Symposium, an Athens airport initiative well established by now, became, for a fourth consecutive year, an ideal platform for the exchange of views and the synthesis of ideas at the highest level.

This year we focused on the relation between air transport and the cruise industry, the common dynamics and the strategic goal of creating airports & ports’ synergies for the development and strengthening of home-porting, by further exploring the potential of Athens and the Port of Piraeus. As hosts of this significant gathering in our city, we would like to convey our most sincere thanks to our distinguished guests and to all contributors to the success of the 4th ACES -Athens, that underlined once again the importance of cooperation, exchange of views, and solidarity towards the achievement of our common goals for growth and development.”

Symposium Agenda here.

Speakers' profiles here.

View also the Presentations & Videos.

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ACES – Athens: 3rd Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium

An Athens International Airport initiative

The 3rd Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium (ACES – Athens), an Athens International Airport initiative hosted in Athens on a yearly basis, was successfully held on November 19th, 2015 with the participation of more than 140 top executives from air transport, the financial and the tourism industries.

The ACES Symposium aims on one hand to highlight the interdependence between the air transport industry & airports and the development of the destinations they serve and on the other to undertake initiatives for the strengthening of Athens as a tourism destination.

This year’s ACES - Athens focused on:

  • The strategic topic of hub airports serving the destination and the O&D strategy vs hubbing 
  • Recent developments on EU Aviation Package

Keynote speakers, Angela Gittens, Director General ACI World, and Olivier Jankovec, Director General ACI Europe, set the scene of the world aviation and referred to the ever changing conditions and challenges in the global aviation sector, whereas Dr. Stefan Schulte, CEO, Fraport AG, on behalf of the FRAPORT AG-SLENTEL Ltd consortium analytically referred to the privatisation, as well as the upgrade of the airport and tourism infrastructure at the Greek regional airports.

In the context of the initiatives undertaken each year for the promotion of Athens, Athens International Airport CEO, Yiannis Paraschis, offered a glimpse in the new campaign ‘Speak AΘenian. Be an AΘenian’ which will promote Athens internationally during 2016 and is to be officially announced during a joint Press Conference by AIA and Marketing Greece later that year.

On the occasion of the 3rd Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium, AIA’s CEO, Yiannis Paraschis, highlighted:

“Our ACES – Athens Symposium, an Athens airport initiative well established by now, for a third consecutive year became an ideal platform of synthesis of ideas and opinions at the highest level. As hosts of the aviation family, indeed at a very positive moment for traffic development in our city and our airport, yet in an ever changing and volatile sector that constantly evolves and is affected by a series of external factors, I would like to convey our most sincere thanks to our distinguished guests and to all contributors to the success of our gathering and underline the importance of exchanging views, engaging in a constructive dialogue and forming a united front.”

View the sumposium agenda here!

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ACES – Athens: 2nd Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium

An Athens International Airport initiative

The 2nd Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium (ACES – Athens), an Athens International Airport initiative hosted in Athens, was successfully held on November 18th 2014, in the ideal internationally acclaimed venue, the Acropolis Museum. ACES aims to highlight the interdependence between the air transport industry and airports on one hand, and the economies and the development of the served destinations on the other.

This year more than 140 top executives from air transport, the international banking industry, the financial sector and the tourism industry participated. In the framework of the Symposium Athens International Airport also announced its most recent initiative in support of the national campaign for the return of the Parthenon Sculptures in Greece by inviting passengers and city visitors to vote and express their opinion on the matter.

During her opening address, the Minister of Tourism, Olga Kefalogianni, presented that year’s positive developments for Greek tourism, the prospects and future planning and also elaborated on the association between strengthening the attractiveness of a destination and the developments in the aviation sector.

On behalf of the Mayor of Athens, the CEO of the Athens Development and Destination Management Agency (ADDMA), Alexis Galinos, referred to the efforts undertaken for the city of Athens and its resurgence as a tourist destination.

Keynote speaker, Dr. Charles E. Schlumberger from the World Bank / Transport Division, gave a highly interactive presentation on “The Global Economic Outlook and its Implications for the Aviation Industry: A Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde”.

On the occasion of the 2nd Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium, CEO of Athens Yiannis Paraschis, highlighted:

“The ACES – Athens Symposium is a unique initiative, bearing significant importance for our airport and for the city of Athens, as well. Looking back at our “City Pair” partnership with 18 airports across the world, a cooperation that started last year during the 1st ACES, aiming to promote Athens to international markets of more than 170,000,000 passengers, I would like to convey our sincere gratitude to all participating airports for their unparalleled support. This year, in a very good timing for Athens as a destination, we are delighted to welcome our very special guests representing the international business community, in this venue of great symbolism, the magnificent Acropolis Museum.”

View the sumposium agenda here!

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ACES – Athens: 1st Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium

An Athens International Airport Initiative

The 1st Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium (ACES – Athens), an Athens International Airport initiative, was successfully held on Thursday, October 17, 2015.

Bearing the ancient meaning of the Greek “Symposium”, ACES aims to become the annual international gathering of airport CEOs and top industry officials, and, through the synthesis of ideas and opinions, address the challenges, trends and issues of today’s aviation.

The Symposium, including speeches and panel discussions conducted by high-level executives of the industry, including CEOs, representatives from ACI World / Europe, and the Tourism and Transport sector, was also honoured by the opening speech by the Minister of Tourism, Ms. Olga Kefalogianni.  

“City Pair Initiative”
Athens International Airport’s initiative for the promotion of the city of Athens:
Memoranda of Cooperation with 18 airports, handling an annual traffic of 170,000,000 passengers

Aiming to boost the attractiveness and the dynamics of the city of Athens as a destination, especially during a  period impacted by the adverse macroeconomic conditions, Athens International Airport announced a new initiative, called the “City Pair”.

During the works of ACES – Athens, and under the scheme of cooperation and mutual support, 18 fellow airports from around the world, signed MoUs with AIA, committed to promote “Destination-Athens” with all their available means, on a reciprocity basis.

Through “City Pair”, the city of Athens will be promoted at airports in Canada, the USA, Latin America, the European Union and Russia, with the key message

“Perhaψ You’re an Aθenian too”
in a promotional campaign that captures a market of nearly 170,000,000 passengers.

The contribution of Athens International Airport to the Greek economy:
An update of the study conducted by the Athens University of Economics and Business:

  • With an annual added value of €5,1 billion, Athens International Airport’s contribution to the GDP corresponds to 2.63%
  • 99,987 jobs created on a national level
  • €716 million added value creation for the surrounding Messogheia area /  more than 11,000 jobs for Messogheia residents inside or outside the airport
  • Athens International Airport, a business and employment engine: 300 enterprises and more than 13,000 employees constitute the “airport community”

The updated study -based on 2012 data- conducted by the Athens University of Economics and Business under the guidance of Professor Gregory Prastakos, demonstrated that AIA remains one of the most important hubs of economic value added and job creation in the country. The airport’s contribution to job creation, tourism and to the economic development of Greece but also on a regional and local level is of the utmost importance. At the same time, the relevant comparison with other European airports is indisputably positive, demonstrating the successful implementation of the business and operational model of Athens International Airport.

AIA’s CEO and ACI World Chairman, Yiannis Paraschis, stated on the occasion of the Symposium:

“ACES – Athens is a very significant initiative for our airport and for the city of Athens. We are delighted to have signed MoUs with 18 international airports, for the promotion of Athens to nearly 170 million passengers in 2014. During the event, the contribution of the Athens airport to the local, national economy and employment was also emphasized. The study conducted by the Athens University of Economics and Business demonstrates that the business activity of the Athens airport contributes 2.63% of the GDP, and creates approximately 100,000 jobs; despite the economic crisis, these results prove that AIA remains a most important contributor to the national economy. I would like to thank all those who worked for the success of our first Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium, looking forward to its establishment as an institution on an annual basis in the city of Athens".

View the sumposium agenda here!

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