Page 28 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 28
03 Our Business

namely IKEA, KOTSOVOLOS, LEROY December 2013 hiring residents of the Information Technology
MERLIN and FACTORY OUTLET airport’s surrounding municipalities as & Telecommunications
offering more than 300,000 products temporary employees. Services
for home furniture and decoration,
electric appliances and electronics, as Airport Shopping Centre IT&T Management System is certified
well as fashion apparel. As part of our as per EN ISO 9001:2008 for airport
marketing strategy, the Airport Retail In 2013, the Airport’s Shopping Centre related operations and services.
Park provided the airport community carried out a number of activities to
with a series of special offers and enhance passenger satisfaction and 2013 was another year of services
added value buys throughout the offer value for money propositions provided for business efficiency while
year. Consistent to its commitment within the challenging economic innovative projects were completed
to support children in need, Factory environment. successfully.
Outlet implemented a donation
programme in the aid of the “Children’s In order to meet consumer needs The Community Airport Portal (CAP)
village - SOS” and “Perivolaki”, a home and respond to market trends, variety was completed in the context of the
dedicated to autistic children. of the retail offer was expanded Research and Development project
through a number of brand changes of the Ministry of Education Lifelong
Airport Hotel that were implemented within the year. Learning and Religious Affairs. CAP
The opening of the second Victoria’s was a unique opportunity for us to
Based on the annual ACCOR’s Secret Beauty & Accessories store capitalise on experience and know-
worldwide internal “Guest Satisfaction in the Departures Schengen area how under the three following major
Survey 2013” conducted by a was a change that stood out and areas:
marketing research house, our 5-star strengthened the presence of this 1) Our ability to successfully lead a
airport hotel Sofitel earned an overall well established brand at the airport. multiple and complex partner scheme
rate of 8.9 on a scale 1 to 10 for a In addition, adopting the same design involving both private and university
second year, with an increased number elements as with the “ambience groups,
of the respondents (73.6% vs 69.1 improvement” project implemented last 2) The chance to take advantage of
in 2012) being “extremely satisfied” year, a new sponsored “network” island Hellenic-EU funds in order to develop and
from the service and accommodation was added to the existing seating present real innovative products, and
experience. Similarly, Sofitel retained passenger amenities at the departures 3) Knowledge acquired from exploring
its rating on an overall high satisfaction level of the Main Terminal Building the complex and bureaucratic
score of 88 out of 100 according to the (MTB) offering wireless internet, mobile administration of running a NSRF
annual “Social Media Web Analysis” chargers, TV screens and tablets to all (National Strategic Reference
benchmarking among users of well- travellers. Framework) project.
established internet sites like Booking.
com, Tripadvisor,, Expedia, Furthermore, a series of marketing Furthermore, provision of consulting
Travelocity, etc. provided by TrustYou activities related to increasing sales services for the “Business Process
specialised agency. Committed to help and enhancing customer loyalty were Documentation Review” to Sydney
preserve the environment, Sofitel also implemented in 2013, including among Airport was completed. The scope of
actively participated at a “tree planting” others the on-going food & beverage this project included the necessary
event at Marathon on the “Earth Day” “deals” and the “Christmas@Airport” documentation in order to facilitate the
of April 2013. Shopping Centre promotional activity commencement of the replacement
that was communicated exclusively process of Sydney Airport’s ERP
Exhibition Centre through our corporate Facebook (finance/projects/property) system.
account. Following its completion, AIA was
Since its opening in January 2009, awarded a new consulting project
Athens Metropolitan Expo, the airport’s Airport Car Parking Services directly from Sydney Airport
exhibition and conference centre, Corporation Ltd. for the upgrade of
has been established as the leading There are 7,160 parking spaces for Sydney airport’s Enterprise Resource
venue for many notable exhibitions short, long-term or executive valet Planning system (specifically the
and conferences organised in Athens. parking. Parking at short-term parking finance, projects and property
Twenty events took place during 2013 areas (P1 & P2) is free of charge for up modules). The project includes two
gathering more than 320,000 visitors, to 20 minutes while frequent shuttle phases, one within 2013 and the other
with HORECA, the leading trade show bus transportation to/from long term in the first quarter of 2014.
for the hospitality and foodservice parking area (P3) from/to Main Terminal
industry, taking place for the second Building (MTB) is offered. Baggage Provision of consulting services for
year following its 2012 success and trolleys are available at all parking lots IT&T systems at Amman International
EHRA, a major European cardiological and in case of a vehicle breakdown a Airport was also successfully
conference, hosted for the first time, courtesy road assistance programme completed. The scope of this
among them. As part of its strategy is available on a 24hour basis to consultancy project signifies a new
to bind its ties even closer with local assist with minor repairs. The new product line for IT&T in the area of
communities, Metropolitan Expo electronic service “e-parking” assists testing and commissioning of airport
hosted the “Christmas World” event in in a fast and smooth way for parking IT systems.
space reservation, while also offering
significant discounts and promotions. As a member of a consortium headed
by Airbus, with the participation of
Aegean Airlines, INDRA and other
partners, AIA was awarded a new

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