Page 26 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 26
03 Our Business

Airline Community Culture ‘Low Fares’ aiming to encourage continue to verify that the incentives
airlines to increase the volume of Low implemented managed to successfully
Aeronautical pricing and offering Fares and thus to stimulate traffic, deal with the particular issues for which
of comprehensive development throughout 2013 we also extended they were introduced. In particular,
programmes for airlines, including three significant Targeted Incentives in implementation of the Targeted
incentives and marketing support order to sustain and protect flights and Incentives in 2013 helped sustain traffic,
packages, constitute the cornerstone traffic levels during those challenging avoid further loses and encouraged
of our aeronautical strategy for growth. times. In particular, the ‘Sustainability airlines to pursuit better results. This
Airlines expect us to be attentive Incentive’ aimed to sustain the same became apparent after the first half of
to their needs and to provide high- level of operated flights as the previous the year whereas the performance of
level airport services for our shared corresponding period, the ‘Transfer the operating carriers started to signify
customers, the passengers. Incentive’ aimed to defend transfer a positive change in traffic.
traffic levels and the ‘Load Factor
During 2013, amid the continuing Incentive’ targeted to encourage In recognition of our creativity and
adverse economic condition in airlines to achieve high load factors. continuous dynamic support to our
Greece and the respective impact airline partners, especially in light of
on the aviation industry, we aimed at The newly established the extremely adverse conditions that
defending traffic volumes, containing developmental scheme ‘Niche Routes Greek economy has been facing, the
traffic losses and assisting airlines to Incentive’ became permanent and airline industry once more rewarded
sustain their operations at the extent was enriched in order to attract new AIA in 2013. “Routes Europe 2013”,
possible. To do so we not only kept direct services from niche markets Europe’s largest airline and airport
all charges unchanged without any that are currently not operated to/ networking route development forum,
inflation adjustments for the fifth from Athens. During 2013 thirteen was concluded with one more award
consecutive year, but in addition we different incentives aiming towards for AIA, its 12th in 9 years, namely the
extended the already existing Targeted sustainability and even development award in the 4 – 20 million passengers’
Incentives and introduced even were in place. category. Having received airline
stronger Targeted Schemes for the recognition for ten consecutive years,
airlines throughout the year. More than 80% of the operating we are the most awarded airport for our
carriers took advantage of one or more airport marketing performance.
Our Traditional Growth Incentive of our targeted incentives which were
Scheme was amplified by a series of in effect during 2013. Furthermore, We acknowledge the contribution
targeted measures – firstly introduced more than 40 of our airline partners of our airline partners to airport’s
back in 2012 - clearly demonstrating were significantly benefited by AIA’s performance. During our 14th Airline
our active engagement in supporting traditional developmental incentives Marketing Workshop, the major airline
our airline partners during these and marketing support. networking event, we rewarded airlines
critical times, while helping them for the most successful passenger
reduce their operating costs. Further Previous year’s results and an initial traffic development during 2013.
to the special winter only incentive assessment of the current schemes

Assurance Comment on: Incentive Schemes

We discussed, with corporate representatives, the airline targeted incentive schemes that
the aeronautical growth strategy is based on and elaborated on how and to what extent the
success and efficiency of these schemes is dependent on timely engagement with the airlines.
We reviewed evidence of formal and ad-hoc engagement with airlines, regarding schemes’
development purposes, as well as applicability criteria, based on the different needs among home-
based, visiting, and low-fare carriers. We would suggest that AIA continues to uphold the five year
application period of its Traditional Growth Incentives Scheme.

Cargo Community Culture cargo traffic, while maintaining the facilitation, following consultations
same high quality operational level. with both the cargo community and
To address the continuing adverse Towards this goal, during 2013 we Customs at all levels of hierarchy, the
economic trade environment, we upheld close cooperation with our second stage of the new e-Customs
have decided to deploy synergy and cargo handlers and provided them platform was established towards
extroversion, engaging involved airport with constant support and feedback. year-end, covering additional services.
cargo stakeholders. In this context, our As a result, according to our annual Furthermore, ICISnet (Integrated
communication platform, the Airport Cargo Key Performance Index Customs Information System)
Cargo Community Committee (ACCC), measurements, our business partners application initiated in 2009 through
brings together the on- and off-airport managed to preserve their operational the electronic clearance of exports,
stakeholders of the cargo supply chain excellence. will soon be covering the full range
and focuses on retaining the existing of Customs procedures and thus
Under our coordination and

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