Page 23 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
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Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

Revenues Structure 2013

39.9 17.8 17.4 11.6 10.7 2.4 0.3

Aeronautical ADF Consumers Property Groundhandling IT&T Other
Charges & Airside


Operating Expenses Structure 2013



8.6 8.3

Personnel Related Outsourcing Services P.R. & Marketing Utilities Other Operating
Expenses & Other Professional Activities Expenses


Sustainable Procurement rights, operate in an environmentally relationships with suppliers, providing
Practices responsible and effective manner and added benefits associated thereto.
abide by all health and safety rules. We have cooperated with more
Supply chain plays a vital role and than 2,200 suppliers since 2001
consists an essential element to our We promote competition and ensuring beneficial partnerships in all
efficiency, both inside our organisation principles of transparency, equal purchasing areas concerning airport
as well as outside through cooperation treatment, non-discrimination and technical works, services and supplies.
with our suppliers. proportionality, which apply to all
procurement phases in compliance Through our corporate procurement
We pursue mutually beneficial with our Procurement Procedure procedure, a suppliers’ evaluation
relations with companies committed and Code of Relations with Business process aims to secure the best
to acting fairly and with integrity Partners. possible performance, while a
towards our stakeholders, which measurement system for contract
share our commitment to sustainable We award contracts which integrate performance management has been
practices. Our suppliers are required green procurement guidelines and developed for a significant number
to comply with all applicable laws implement energy efficient supplies of contractual agreements related to
and regulations, conform to the and projects, combating climate airport critical infrastructure, technical
highest standards of ethical conduct change and improving AIA’s CO2 and environmental management
respecting and supporting human emissions footprint. systems.

We aim to develop long-term / 23
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