Page 25 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 25
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

Quarterly Passenger Traffic Development 2013 Domestic International Total

Growth 2013/2012

-2 02 -2 02
-8.5 -5.8
-4 -7.4 4 -4 -4.9 4
-6 -7.8 6 -6 -5.2 6
8 8
-8 1ST 10 -8 2ND 10

-10 -10

-2 02 -2 0 2
-3.2 -1.5
-4 -1.7 4 -4 4
-6 -2.2 6 -6 6
8 8
-8 3RD 10 -8 +2.1 +4.0 10

-10 -10 4TH

Traffic evolution during the year in 41 countries, operated by a total of a potential revival of the market.
indicates that although 2013 started 55 carriers. Domestic sector presented a marginal
with considerable traffic losses, a yet positive result (+0.4%), mainly
clear recovery trend emerged in With global air cargo traffic resulting from growth in domestic mail,
the second quarter and continued presenting a notable pick-up in growth while international sector declined by
in the second half of the year, with during the second half of the year and 2.4% compared to the previous year,
passenger traffic returning to growth sings of recovery also emerging in demonstrating the smallest decline
in the last three months of the year. the Greek aviation market, airfreight since the beginning of the unfavourable
volumes at Athens International economic climate, most probably a
Overall in 2013 Athens was directly Airport exhibited a minimal 2% sign of a gradual stabilisation of the
connected with scheduled services decrease managing a throughput of specific market segment.
with 101 destinations (68 international) almost 75,000 tonnes, thus signalling

Cargo traffic 2013 Cargo traffic

Thousand tonnes inbound cargo outbound cargo Thousand tonnes 2013 2012
Cargo aircraft Cargo aircraft
11.45 80 -2.4% 74.87 76.42
60 65.62

Total 50

74.8736.02 38.85 40


20 +0.4%

18.50 27.40 10 International Total
Passenger aircraft Passenger aircraft 9.25 9.21

0 Domestic

Variation calculated on the primary figures prior to conversion to thousands. / 25
   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30