Page 24 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 24
03 Our Business

Aeronautical Business

Aviation Market Overview in incoming tourism in Greece, as well noting and indicative of an air travel
as the gradual resurgence of Athens demand recovery. As a result, airline
The continuing difficult situation of as a popular tourist destination per se, load factors significantly increased,
the Greek economy was for one both counterbalanced to some extent reaching the overall impressive figure
more year a key factor determining negative influential factors. of 74%, which is a record-breaking
air traffic at Athens International figure for the airport. At 4.3 million,
Airport. With the Greek GDP and Within this challenging and changing domestic passengers presented a
the private consumption index environment our traffic amounted to decline (-4.6%), whereas international
contracting, the Greeks’ propensity 140 thousand flights and 12.54 million passengers, at 8.24 million, illustrated
to travel was severely impacted. On passengers presenting a decline only small overall losses (-2.4%). This
top of the unfavourable economic compared to the corresponding result was formulated by the overall
environment in the country, the foreign prior-year levels (-8.4% and -3.2% reduced travelling demand by the
carriers’ restructuring and network respectively). The fact that passenger Greek residents (-9.1%) as compared
rationalisation were additional drivers demand achieved only a limited with the upward trend of the foreign
adversely affecting the aviation market. reduction despite the sharp drop of residents (+2.7%).
On the other hand, favourable trends the offered airline services is worth

Passenger Traffic (mio) 2013 2012
Variation calculated on the primary figures prior to conversion to mios.
12.5 12.9
-4.6% -2.4%
15 4.5 8.2 8.4

3 4.3



Aircraft Movements (thousands, take-offs and landings) 2013 2012
Variation calculated on the primary figures prior to conversion to thousands.

160,000 -8.4%
140,000 140.4
100,000 -9.8% -7.2% 81.4
80,000 64.9 75.6
60,000 71.9
20,000 Domestic International Total


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