Page 27 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 27
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

significantly expedite the clearance with representatives from ground Finally, support to our airline clients
of third country cargo. This, along handlers, airlines, forwarders, general was reaffirmed through the supportive
with the recent extension of Customs sales agents, we promoted the schemes offered to both domestic and
working hours in the cargo area until airports’ traffic potential. international cargo operators. Aiming
21:00 hrs. for both import and export to further assist airlines operating
procedures, will serve as a further In regards to cargo traffic pure cargo flights to sustain their
means to facilitate business and development, advantages of air business, AIA offered for the second
especially Greek exports. transport were also communicated year an incentive programme for new
and promoted through our active or additional domestic cargo flights
In June 2013 our cargo community participation at the Hellenic Institute in addition to the new traditional flight
team was fully represented for a of Logistics Management and the incentives applicable to international
fifth time at the biennial international Transport Committee of the Hellenic- cargo flights.
exhibition “Air Cargo Europe”. Together Russian Chamber of Commerce.

Assurance Comment on: Cargo Community Engagement

From interviews with corporate representatives, we reviewed evidence supporting AIA’s role as the
“orchestrator” of the airport community, in relation to - among others - the establishment of a cargo
community culture. We discussed AIA’s role as the coordinator and facilitator of initiatives that aim to
bring together the on - and off - airport stakeholders of the cargo supply chain. More specifically, we
reviewed evidence of the Airport Cargo Community Committee’s rules of operations and minutes of
meetings, as well as evidence of its role regarding the ICISnet (Integrated Customs Information System)
implementation. We would suggest that AIA continues to place emphasis on promoting its efforts
towards the establishment of a cargo community culture outside the airport community boundaries.

Provision of Ground In April 2013 we contributed to OFC refuelling system concession and
Handling Services Aviation Fuel Services hosting of the have been obligatory thereafter to
IATA Fuel Quality Pool (IFQP) training all arrangements related to the fuel
AIA, being the airport operator, sets for the seventh consecutive year. The supply chain. JIG is the international
the quality standards and monitors the training process was dedicated to a forum formed by oil companies which
operational performance of ground group of 20 inspectors. The IATA Fuel standards have effectively become the
handling services provided by third Quality Pool (IFQP) is a group of airlines global benchmark - currently applied
parties, while treating both aircraft that actively share fuel inspection at about 180 of the world’s major
operators and ground handlers reports and workload at locations airports and some 2,500 locations
as partners towards the common worldwide. around the world. Approximately 40%
objective of customers’ satisfaction. of the world’s aviation fuel is supplied
In December 2013, all parts of Athens through facilities operating to the JIG
In March 2013 the IATA Drinking- airport aviation fuel supply chain (i.e. standards.
Water Quality Pool (IDQP) Steering the HELPE refineries, the AAFPC
Group Meeting was organised and pipeline company, the OFC hydrant In regards to passenger e-services
hosted by AIA for the third time. It refuelling system and SAFCO the into- developments, we agreed with
was sponsored by International Air plane company) received the Award of SkyTeam (an alliance of 20 airline
Transport Association (IATA) with the Excellence from the Joint Inspection members) to proceed with a joint
participation of 20 airline delegates, Group (JIG). It is the first time worldwide feasibility study for implementing
aiming to share audits on drinking- that all parties comprising the fuel a common Fast Bag Drop zone for
water provided to aircrafts (airport supply chain of an airport achieve such Sky Team member airlines (both
installations, safe transportation recognition, all in the same year. agent-assisted and fully automated
process by Ground Handlers, quality drop-off). The study is scheduled to be
control etc.). JIG standards have been introduced concluded within March 2014.
by AIA since 1998, for the hydrant

Non-Aeronautical Business

Our Airport City provides an ideal Airport Retail Park bolstered its reputation as one of the
environment for passengers and top regional shopping destinations in
visitors to spend time at the airport, In 2013, despite the continuing Athens. With 54,000 m2 retail space
shop and dine. adverse financial situation, the Airport and 2,500 parking spaces, the park
Retail Park welcomed approximately accommodates four major retail brands
2.7 million visitors, a number that / 27
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