Page 32 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
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03 Our Business

SMS Manual, Vol2. Operational Airport Fire Life Safety safety regulations are properly
Procedures & Ancillary Information implemented, AIA incorporates
and Vol. 3. Airport Emergency Plan). AIA’s fire prevention regulations pertinent clauses in all its contracts
comply with the ADA provisions, with third parties. These mostly relate
We participate in PROSPERO as well as with Greek and EU to legislative requirements, relevant to
(PROactive Safety PERformance legal requirements on transport, the activities carried out by the third
for Operations) which is a European construction and fire prevention. party, and pertinent documentation
project (7th framework) that runs Furthermore, specific procedures that must be available in order to verify
from 2012 through 2015 and involves apply for all airport infrastructure compliance.
14 partner organisations across including buildings, systems,
7 countries, including end-users, equipment and operational flows (e.g. In 2013, 174 health and safety plans
industry, SMEs and academic technical works). and 24 Safety Management Systems
partners. The PROSPERO project’s of third parties were reviewed and
aim is to reach EU safety targets by Compliance is attained through 18 audits took place in companies
2020, namely accident rate reduction intensive training and purpose- engaged in security, maintenance,
by 80% and recovery from and specific exercises and verified ground handling, cargo, landscaping
elimination of human error, producing internally by fire system audits and and cleaning.
an integrated risk framework for the externally by the Airport Hellenic Fire
Air Traffic System which includes Corps (AHFC). Potable water is considered of
proactive ways to anticipate complex vital importance and is continuously
risks that have the potential to cause During 2013 eleven training sessions, monitored for its quality by accredited
crises thus allowing for more effective three evacuation drills and one large laboratories.
management of situations where risks scale exercise at the MTB were
cannot be eliminated. conducted. Our technical facilities
operational readiness along with the
Airport Security training level of involved employees for
emergency evacuation of public are
In accordance with the National duly tested on a semi-annual/ annual
Civil Aviation Security Regulation basis.
(NCASR, Government Gazette
1485 B’/17/06/2011) and the Airport Health, Potable
Security Technical Directive No.1 Safety & Hygiene water
(STD 1, Government Gazette 1580 testing
B’/30/06/2011), all employees We make all efforts in order to 2013:
working at the airport community ensure that all applicable Health and
must undergo security awareness Safety regulations are implemented • daily free
training before they are issued an effectively within the areas of our chlorine tests,
airport identification card. Within responsibility. Full compliance with
this framework, we provided related all applicable Health and Safety • tests for
training to 1,938 persons (383 legislative requirements is of top chemical agents
AIA staff and 1,555 third parties) priority. from 22 sampling
focusing on raising awareness for
the importance of security in the In 2013 101 health and safety points and
airport environment and particularly inspections were carried out within • microbiological
for the appropriate use of the Airport AIA premises and the subsequent
Identification Card. recommendations for corrective tests on 151
actions were communicated to samples from 95
We are committed to provide high relevant departments and monitored sampling points
level of security while acknowledging for implementation. Furthermore,
human rights issues and the airport regular inspections in technical and
security personnel receive periodic public areas ensure that both AIA’s
training in this regard. and contractors’ personnel comply
with corporate health and safety rules.
Our target is to obtain zero incidents
prohibited items handled for either employees or the public
during security screening and most of our efforts and available
process in 2013, as per resources are directed towards this
aviation security regulations goal.

We are responsible for the health
and safety performance of third
parties which operate at our premises.
In order to ensure that health and

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