Page 33 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 33
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

Service parameters 2013 2012
97.66% 97.96%
Call Center Service Level (% calls answered in under 60 sec) 99.26% 99.24%
Call Center Efficiency (% calls answered / total calls received)
Avg Waiting Time for Check-in (min) 3.4 3.7
Avg Waiting Time for Security Screening (min) 3.0 2.4
Avg Response Time to Passenger Comments (days) 5.4 5.0
Baggage Handling - Shortshipped Bags (per mio bags handled) 20 31
Baggage Handling - Average time for First Bag reclaim (min:sec) 11:47 12:07

Service Responsibility passengers even during emergency at improving travellers’ experience by
situations, AIA provided “Emergency providing videos or information related
Over a million airport users interacted Response Training” to almost 200 staff to travel destination, as well as weather
with our terminal services staff for of the ground handling companies to forecasting.
flight details, terminal particulars and foster collaboration and efficiency in
airport information. The Airport Call serving travellers in all circumstances. On-ground assistance
Centre received more than 550,000 services to PRM passengers
inquiries with 97.66% of them being Furthermore, in compliance with EU
answered within 60 seconds. Almost Schengen Committee requirements Within the scope of the provision of on
2,500 electronic queries were also further measures were implemented at ground assistance services to persons
administered via the “airport-info” email Passport Control checkpoints on both with disability and/or reduced mobility,
service. the Departures and Arrivals to ensure AIA has served 102.891 people in total
passenger data confidentiality and during 2013. Even though the total
AIA’s commitment to providing national border protection. airport’s traffic for the period of 2009 to
a modern and comfortable travel 2013 has been decreasing yearly, the
experience to passengers was realised E-services constitute a significant Airport’s PRM traffic has been increasing.
in 2014 with the continuation of the comfort element of today’s airports. In Furthermore, an increase in satisfaction
“Ambience Improvement” project the Arrivals level, a new “e-lounge” was level was noted with respect to related
launched in 2013. New service constructed, catered to comfortably services, as PRM passengers rated their
enhancements include the Airport accommodate electronic users. overall satisfaction very high (4.92 for
Information Services Counter centrally This contemporary seating area 2013 vs. 4.85 for 2012).
located at Entrance 3 of the Arrivals level. features a laptop bar, two big screen
This one-stop shop provides 24 hour televisions and a complimentary In 2013, the 16th International
service related to airport and terminal multi-functional machine for printing Conference and the General Assembly
facilities, airline and flight information, boarding passes, travel visas and other of the International Paralympic
ground transportation schedules through documents. Moreover, a new sitting Committee (IPC) was hosted in
display monitors, as well as courtesy area at MTB Departures level was Athens. As part of this event, AIA
phones for liaising with the ground created, sponsored by the Hellenic signed a Memorandum of Cooperation
handling companies. In its first year of Telecommunications Organisation Framework with the IPC and both parties
operation, it served more than 355,000 - OTE. This area provides 60’ free closely collaborated and implemented
airport users, including PRM passengers wireless fast access to Internet to all the relevant business plan for the
with disability and/or reduced mobility passengers / visitors though 6 high-tech facilitation of the arrival and departure of
who were expedited from a dedicated tablets, as well as the viewing of sports the delegates with the use of all required
PRM workstation. Enhancements channel via OTE-TV. services and infrastructures.
were also made to directional signage
in the terminal with the installation Aiming to further enhance web Finally, AIA hosted the 2nd session
of supplementary signage primarily experience at AIA, the new “ATH of the “Train the Trainer” programme
targeted at improving the movement of Airport” mobile application was released addressed to internal trainers on PRM
passengers with connecting flights, gate in all three mobile platforms (IOS, issues. The said training was provided by
re-assignments and floor changes. Android and Windows Phone). a certified training company by European
Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC).
In order to ensure quality service to Finally, three new video-walls were
installed at departures’ gates, aiming

PRM Assistance Services 2013 2012
102,891 96,191
Total PRM Passengers 42.0%
Pre-notified PRM Passengers 58.0% 37%
Non Pre-notified PRM Passengers 63.0% / 33
   28   29   30   31   32   33   34   35   36   37   38