Page 29 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
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Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

AIA’s IT&T External Business in 2013




EU project named “INTERACTION” services to airlines, ground handlers, event which was named “The IT&T
(INnovative TEchnologies and concessionaires, state authorities and Business Evolution” our IT&T Business
Researches for a new Airport Concept the travelling public, AIA embraces the Automation Team was introduced
towards Turnaround coordinatION). airport community. to the audience with a very positive
This project focuses on airport feedback from all participants.
process optimisation and data In late 2013 a purposeful agreement
integration for enhancing time efficient with telecom providers was concluded Energy and Grids’
turnaround operations in the airport, which as of January 2014 will Management
innovative solutions to increase favour the airport community with
passenger experience, efficiency significantly lower prices. Since January 2011, AIA is a licensed
of the air freight transport and new Electricity Grid Manager that owns
technologies to reduce greenhouse Our Service Portfolio was also and operates the airport electricity
gas, pollutant and noise emissions of improved through the following new grid/network, supplying the airport
apron operations. bundled services: community with medium and low
• “Business 2 Play”, a bundled service voltage electricity. As such, we
Additionally, we were awarded that composes of a full IT&T working bear overall responsibility including
another EU project; titled position (data, voice port and internet consumption data reporting,
“E-VACUATE”. This programme is connection) development, maintenance,
a holistic, scenario-independent, • “Wireless Access at Gates”, a upgrade and mostly safe operation.
situation-awareness and guidance wireless access bundled service which Furthermore, we ensure that all
system for sustaining the Active provides wireless internet access at airport users have fair and equal
Evacuation Route for crowd public the Gates area. access to electricity supply, based
areas. The project focuses on • “Managed Internet“ bundled on a transparent method, in line with
providing a valuable tool that will following services: the newly launched the current legislation of the national
guarantee total situational awareness Managed Security Services (MSS), energy market.
both to crowds involved during a addressing the business need for
crisis, but also to crews operating secure communication over the In addition, as included by the Sales
on-site as well as in remote locations internet, Internet PORT2AIR and public Agreement signed with the respective
(security crews, first responders, crisis IP address services. suppliers, we are responsible for the
managers). distribution of natural gas and water
A brand new Self-Service Portal to users/consumers connected to
Information Technology was also launched as part of our IT&T airport grids, while assuring the grids’
Community Culture Service Desk platform through which development, maintenance, upgrade
all customers may electronically and safe operation.
AIA is the infrastructure owner, choose an IT&T service from our
operator and integrator of IT, providing portfolio of services and place their As such, we are responsible for
reliable, state-of-the-art, cost- order. consumption measurement and
effective and innovative information reporting of the said commodities
technology services to its customers. Finally, every year we organise for all consumers including our own
Being a licensed Provider to offer IT&T an annual event where we present needs.
our new services and offers and
discuss potential requirements
with our customers. In this year’s / 29
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