Page 30 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 30
03 Our Business

Safeguarding our Operation

Our Commitments Transportation Association (IATA) Audit, audits by the Hellenic Authority
Airport Handling Manual and other for the Protection of Privacy & Secrecy
We respect applicable legal and related Greek / EU legislation (PD (ADAE) and ad-hoc audits by other
regulatory framework, both national 285/1998, EU Directive 96/67). entities, as well as by internal audits.
and international and require our Compliance is attained through related • Technical Services: Compliance
employees and business partners corporate procedures, as well as with the related provisions of ADA, the
to do likewise. We aim to ensure internal audits. applicable Building Standards and Law
continuous and unwavering • Security Services: Compliance 2338/1995, as well as Applicable Laws
compliance and adherence within with ADA provisions (Article 18), which is attained through corporate
the full spectrum of applicable laws, the National Civil Aviation Security procedures for design, construction
while promoting the incorporation of Regulation (NCASR) and all relevant and maintenance and verified
generally accepted contemporary EU/ Greek legislation. Compliance is externally by HCAA and competent
business practices beyond the attained through the HCAA-approved state authorities or by internal audits.
minimum acceptable threshold of Airport Security Programme (ASP) and
compliance with legal obligation: is verified either externally by ad-hoc All airport users must conform to
• Aerodrome Operations: audits by EU / US / HCAA / Hellenic airport rules and regulations and any
Compliance with International Police and other entities or by internal instructions provided by AIA for their
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) audits. enforcement.
standards and recommended • Fire Life Safety: Compliance with
practices, relevant EU/Hellenic Civil ADA provisions, Greek and EU Fire Operational Readiness
Aviation Authority (HCAA) regulations Safety legislation and regulations & Business Continuity
and Airport Development Agreement which is attained through Fire System
(ADA) provisions. Compliance is audits and verified externally by the AIA ensures uninterrupted and
attained through the Aerodrome Airport Hellenic Fire Corps (AHFC). efficient airport operations having
Operations Manual (AOM), the Aviation • Information Technology & the highest regard to customers’ and
Safety Management System (ASMS), Telecommunications Services: employees’ health and safety, as well
the Airport Emergency Plan (AEP) and Compliance with legislation as to the preservation of property and
all corresponding contracts, as well as relating to Intellectual Property the environment. In this respect, we
operational manuals and procedures Rights, Communication Security & have developed our airport operational
and is verified by external audits, Privacy, Data Protection as well as readiness Business Continuity System
exercises as well as internal audits. regulations applicable to the provision (BCS) which provides a framework
• Ground Handling Services: of telecommunication services, for building organisational resilience
Compliance with ICAO standards radiation protection and other IT&T- ensuring that critical functions will
and recommended practices, the EU related activities. Compliance is continue to operate in case of serious
and national regulatory framework, attained through corporate policies incidents or - if affected - to operate
(e.g. Basic and the Local Ground and procedures and verified both with alternative ways of working and
Handling Regulations), with European externally by the Statutory Audit, IT effectively restore critical business
Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) System Audits, ISO9001 Certification processes within set timeframes.
guidelines and International Aviation

Critical Systems Availability

2013 2012 2013 target
Baggage Handling System 99.85% 99.85% 99.60%≤x<99.80%
Medium Voltage 100% 100% 99.65%≤x<99.72%
Airfiled Lighting 100% 99.99%

Passenger Boarding Bridges 99.97% 99.97%

Average of UFIS/FIDS, CUTE, Voice & Data Networks 100% 99.99%

Note: Calculated based on the failures down time of these systems. Figures are rounded at the third decimal.

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