Page 38 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 38
04 Our Environment

To date, we have demonstrated a planting 2.7 million trees. AIA’s Airport emission sources and its work to
25% reduction in our carbon footprint Carbon Accreditation was recently engage (through workshops, training
between 2005 and 2013, corresponding (in early 2014) upgraded to Level 3 sessions etc.) other members of the
to a reduction of approximately 16,800 (Optimisation) following the expansion airport community in the fight against
tonnes of CO2, the equivalent of of its carbon footprint to include indirect climate change.

AIA’s 2013 Carbon Footprint

Grid Electricity 2013 CO2 Emissions (tonnes)
Natural Gas 51,969,919 kWh 46,497 (*/**)
1,035,546 Nm3 2,148
Vehicle Fleet 171,807 lt of gasoline 390
397,956 lt of diesel 1,065
Stationary Sources 16,265 lt of LPG 26
Total 18,185 lt of diesel 49
8,343 lt of heating oil 21

* 2013 Total scope 1 emissions: 3,699 tonnes / 2013 Total scope 2 emissions: 46,497 tonnes
** Conversion assumption: 0.8947 kg C02 per kWh. has been calculated based on input from Hellenic Transmission System Operator (HTSO) and
the Community Independent Transaction Log (CITL), which contains verified emissions from Greek facilities participating in the European Union’s
Emission Trading Scheme (EU ETS). Emissions data from 2013 have not yet been published, therefore the best available estimate of the grid electricity
emission factor (2012) is used.

In 2013, its sixth year of physical servers with virtual ones. Our environmental performance
implementation, our Climate Change • Initiation of the replacement of throughout the years motivates us to
Corporate Action Plan had the telephone and data networks as part further improve the energy efficiency
following results: of the airport-wide Next Generation of our company and to aid the airport
• Installation of harmonic filters in Network (NGN) upgrade project. community to do the same.
the Main Terminal Building (MTB) to • Verification of AIA’s carbon footprint
further reduce electricity consumption. by an external auditor in order for AIA We continue to actively participate
• Installation of sensors to stop people to upgrade its participation in Airport in the global initiative “Earth Hour” by
movers at the train station when Carbon Accreditation to Level 3 shutting down one of the two airport
not being used in order to reduce (Optimisation). runways and reducing lighting in all
electricity consumption. • Progress toward AIA’s long-term buildings, staff parking areas and other
• Completion of the study for the target of achieving a recycling rate of airport areas for one hour (March 23,
replacement of several existing Air 60% by 2016 (55% in 2013). 2013). These symbolic actions were
Cooled Chillers with more energy • Finally, continued conversion of also accompanied by informative
efficient Water Cooled Chillers. paper-based corporate forms and public announcements.
• Continued replacement of AIA’s procedures to electronic format.

Assurance Comment on: Climate Change

We consider AIA’s recent Airport Carbon Accreditation upgrade to Level 3 (Optimisation) as
evidence of how the airport company continues to place great emphasis on addressing the
challenge of Climate Change. Through our corporate interviews and document reviews, we
have gathered evidence of AIA’s initiatives (workshops, training sessions etc.) to engage airport
community third parties, as well as have performed focused interviews and evidence requests on
AIA’s 2013 Climate Change Corporate Action Plan. Finally, we have reviewed AIA’s 2013 Carbon
Footprint and Air Quality data, and while we found no errors in the calculations, we have suggested
that AIA enhances the presentation of data to better align with the relevant GRI G4 Airport
Operators Sector Disclosure requirements. These disclosures cover key aspects of sustainability
performance that are meaningful and relevant to the Airport Operators sector.

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