Page 43 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 43
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

Water implement a number of water-saving accepts wastewater primarily from
measures, such as the use of treated the technical bases of airlines but also
We systematically monitor water wastewater from our own Sewage from other sources.
consumption (potable and irrigation), Treatment Plant (STP) for irrigation of
as well as the quality of surface and non-public green areas at the airport. In order to raise awareness, AIA
groundwater. The water supply An Industrial Wastewater Treatment encourages all airport users to limit
network is closely monitored so Facility (IWTF) operating on site their water consumption when using
possible leaks may be identified and restrooms and kitchen facilities.
promptly addressed. In addition, we

Wastewater Treatment (Refers to the entire airport community)

Processed through Sewage Treatment Plant (m3 x 1000) 2013 2012 var %
282 263 7.2

Processed through Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility (m3 x 1000) 3.2 2.5 28.0

Refers to AIA + airport community. The treated effluent from the Airport’s STP is used for irrigation of non-public green areas at the airport.

The quality of surface water is vehicles. An approved Spillage Response in accordance with ICAO and IATA
monitored regularly through ad hoc Plan is in place and is implemented each standards based on our Local Ground
sampling and analyses following rain time a spillage occurs. Handling Regulation and the respective
events as well as continuously by concession agreements with the airlines
an Online Water Monitoring System Due to the local climate, aircraft/ and ground handling companies. The
(OWMS) installed prior to the airport’s helicopter ground anti/de-icing operations total amount of aircraft and pavement
main discharging point. Possible are limited. Nevertheless, we set the de/anti icing material applied for 2013
hydrocarbon spillages are immediately guidelines for the relevant procedures was not exceeding 36m3 (MIX). During
managed using bioremediating implemented by the ground handling 2013, as per our Corporate Procedure, no
substances and appropriate sweeping companies, which have the responsibility treatment actions were required.
for the provision of these services,

Waste & Recycling the airport. For 2013, the amount of food Recycling:
waste from international flights was 974
In line with our commitment to comply tonnes. The amount of waste recycled has
with environmental regulations, increased from 174 tonnes (3% of
standards and best practices, we have Since 2005, we have established total solid non-hazardous waste) in
developed a comprehensive waste cooperation with Alternative 2001 to 5,024 tonnes in 2013 (55%
management system based on “The Management Systems for the final of total solid non-hazardous waste).
Polluter Pays” principle that promotes disposal of hazardous waste. 34% of
separation at source and recycling. Solid hazardous waste produced onsite in use and corporate correspondence).
Non-Hazardous Waste, Hazardous 2013 was transferred to Alternative In parallel, various corporate tasks
Waste and Medical/Clinical Waste are Management Systems, while the (contract review, expense claims, annual
the major types of waste generated at remaining 66% was transferred to leave forms etc.) are administered
other licensed management facilities. electronically. Our efforts to encourage
Waste: Moreover, all liquid industrial wastewater airport employees to recycle resulted in
produced at the airport is treated onsite the collection of 8 tonnes of recyclable
9,245 tonnes of waste were at the Industrial Wastewater Treatment materials at our Recycling Centre.
produced in 2013, of which Facility (IWTF). Furthermore, we encourage our partners
9,055 tonnes were Solid Non- to develop similar environmentally-
Hazardous Waste, 189.7 tonnes Our commitment to recycling is friendly business practices.
were Hazardous Waste and 166 complemented by our use of recycled
kg were Medical/Clinical Waste. materials for daily administrative tasks
(e.g. recycled paper for stationery

Hazardous Waste Processing 2013 2013 2012
34% 38%
Managed by Alternative Management Systems 66% 62%
Transferred to licensed Management facilities / 43
   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47   48