Page 47 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 47
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

Presenting our Team

At the end of 2013 our headcount was was at 1.1% for 2013. while among Management women
635 people under open-ended contracts AIA supports equal treatment of both made up 16.2% of the total.
and 42 people seasonally employed.
A significant part of our personnel genders and offers equal opportunities Considerable importance is given to
resides at the local communities, which without discrimination. However, the educational level of our workforce
only reflects our unbreakable bond due to the nature of airport business and our aim is to attract, develop
with the Mesogeia area. The entire AIA - and particularly the nature of most and retain suitable and competent
management resides in the Attika region. technical jobs - the ratio of women to employees. Our workforce is highly
Turnover ratio excluding fixed term staff men is relatively low. Thus, in 2013, educated and with a significant
33% of all employees were female, percentage with post-graduate studies.

31% of our people reside
at the local communities

15% of the total AIA workforce
has a Master’s or PhD degree

Employment by Gender 2013 2012

Number of employees / 47
33% 67%


33% 67%

   42   43   44   45   46   47   48   49   50   51   52