Page 50 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 50
05 Our People

Training Subjects

(in hours)

77% 15% 8%

Job-related Training Compliance Training Developmental Training

Note: Training figures relate to all AIA employees participating in training courses (including separations and fixed-term employees).
Outlines the distribution of training categories vs related training hours.

Training Categories 2013 2012
2,213 1,994
(in hours) 1,186 2,774
11,732 8,340
Compliance Training
Developmental Training
Job-related Training
Note: Corporate training: no data in 2012 & 2013

During 2013 a management and successfully completed two courses: an annual basis by the Employee
development programme was • Global Safety Network II - Airport Performance Appraisal System,
implemented, linked to our performance Operations and Safety (15 participants) which takes into account his/her
management system. The aim of the • Developing a Customer Centric position, responsibilities and tasks.
programme was to reinforce the skills of Culture at Airport (16 participants) The performance appraisal procedure
all managers in setting goals and giving AIA considers third parties as an ensures guidance of employees by their
feedback – benefiting both employees important part for the airport smooth managers and creates the framework
and managers. Moreover, in order to operation; therefore we seek to also for recognising individual contribution.
promote thorough awareness of our involve their personnel in the training Similarly, during the performance
revised Code of Business Conduct, activities, aiming to maintain a win-win appraisal meeting employees are
we worked closely with an external partnership. given the opportunity to review their
training provider and launched an evaluation and openly express their
online learning programme which was Training for 3rd Parties 2013: views prior to finalising the procedure.
completed by all employees.
• Environmental Awareness Training: A human resource management
AIA has launched a strategic 41 training hours information system is under
partnership with ACI on 2007 and • Safety & Security Training: implementation to replace our existing
since then operates as an official and 6,468 training hours system aiming to cover the entire
recognised ACI Global Training Hub employee life cycle. This integrated
Center (GTH). Through this partnership With the aim to further develop the system will provide information used
AIA has the opportunity to exchange appropriate skills and competencies, in HR decision-making such as
views and ideas with other experts each employee is evaluated on payroll, time and labour management,
from the aviation industry. Under this recruiting, employee benefits, training
partnership, during 2013, we organised and performance analysis.

Caring for our people

AIA’s approach to healthcare focuses programmes are an integral part of the coverage for all permanent AIA
on providing comprehensive plan total compensation policy and strategy employees and their dependent family
coverage to employees and their and are aligned with market practices. members are highly appreciated by all
families to ensure a healthy, productive eligible employees.
and engaged workforce. Our benefit The group life and medical insurance
programme as well as the medical

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