Page 55 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 55
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

Athenspotlighted City Card atmosphere of Athens through ideal 130,000 card holders. Each ASP card
deals. The ASP programme is related holder enjoys big discounts, special
We continued the “athenspotlighted” with the “athenspotlighted” city card - offers and extra benefits at a great
programme (ASP) which enables the first city card for Athens - which has variety of selected Athenian spots.
travellers to discover the unique been offered to arriving passengers.
character, history and cosmopolitan Currently the programme counts

Assurance Comment on: Destination Marketing

During our interviews with corporate representatives, we discussed how the airport company has long
been promoting the city of Athens, and elaborated on how the concept of destination marketing has
been formally incorporated into AIA’s marketing plan. Through our review of the GRI G4 Principles for
Defining Report Content, AIA’s corporate representatives explained that further enhancing the company’s
destination marketing is linked to the overall sustainability context need to restore the city of Athens’
image. To this end, we reviewed evidence of the “City Pair Initiative” and how it is based on stakeholder
engagement between airports and other third parties. We consider that AIA could further enhance the
initiative by promoting the “Perhaψ You’re an Aθenian too” campaign within the city of Athens.

AIA’s Art & Cultural Programme

During the 12 years since the Stratis Vogiatzis, “Caldera” by Dimitris photographers, visitors and travellers
commencement of its operations, Kleanthis, “Salt” by Kostas Masseras had the opportunity to come closer
Athens International Airport has and “Aegeanscapes” by Sokratis to the world of the birds of the Greek
proved that apart from its operational Baltagiannis,as well as a video-trilogy nature.
excellence and successful business from the series Living Postcards of
model, it has also become a cultural Emmanouil Papadopoulos. Together with the culture platform
hub for travellers and visitors. “ελculture” we also introduced a new
Furthermore, we cooperated with entertainment and cultural programme
As a crossroads of cultures, we ANAPLOUS-Cultural & Educational named «Fly me to the Moon». This
actively participate in the cultural life Projects, and presented the exhibition was a festive “journey”, with concerts,
of the city of Athens. Approximately “My Own Iliad”, created by the performances and happenings
250,000 visitors per year visit the Cypriot painter George Koumouros occurring throughout the year. Many
permanent airport exhibitions, namely and dedicated to Homer’s Iliad. The cultural activities by popular musicians,
the exhibition of Archaeological exhibition aimed to promote the dancers and actors took place at the
Findings, the “Acropolis Museum” Hellenic culture and civilisation to airport premises and managed to
exhibition and the new interactive visitors travelling to Athens. enhance passenger and visitor airport
exhibition dedicated to Eleftherios experience. Vanilla Swing, The Bet,
Venizelos, which has been refurbished In the airport’s “Art & Environment” Belleville, World of Mouth, Abovo and
with the support of the National exhibition area we hosted, in Opera Chaotique were the bands and
Research Foundation “Eleftherios K. cooperation with Medecins Sans artists who p articipated. On the 21st
Venizelos” and the Region of Crete. Frontieres (MSF), the “Urban Survivors June we celebrated the International
– A journey into the margins of Music Day by organising the “Play
Regarding temporary exhibitions, contemporary cities” exhibition me – the Piano Project” and hosting for
we cooperated with Ileana Tounta which revealed urban survivors’ daily three days a lot of musical happenings
Contemporary Art Centre and hosted lives, through the lens of famous at the Main Terminal Building (MTB).
at our premises a video Art Projection photographers of NOOR / Apeiron Following the “Play-me- the Piano
by Swiss artist Yves Ackermann under Agency. project”, the three pianos were
the title “My Love Soon”. The imagery Regarding art and environment offered to the Children Non-profit
of this video extended to painting with awareness, we continued our Organisations: “The Smile of the Child”,
references to symbolism and realism. cooperation with MEDASSET with “The Ergastiri” and the “SOS Children’s
the exhibition “Inspired by the marine Villages in Vari”.
In cooperation with the art and environment”, by presenting 25 posters
culture platform Aegeanale, we in order to raise awareness for our own In addition, we continued to support
presented the video art projection Mediterranean Sea. Greek cultural entities such as the
titled “Aegean Experienced”. The Furthermore, in cooperation with Athens Concert Hall - Megaron, the
exhibition hosted 15 icons from the the Hellenic Ornithological Society Greek National Theatre, the Greek
works of seven artists who were we hosted the exhibition “Birds and Theatre International, the Nomismatic
inspired by the Greek archipelago: aircraft in parallel flights”. Through Museum, the Byzantine and Christian
“Mare Liberum” by Georgis 30 snapshots of birds and aircraft Museum and the Athens Video Art &
Gerolympos, “Caravan Project” by captured by Greek and foreign Festival Production.
Thekla Malamou, “Blind Fisherman” by / 55
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