Page 56 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 56
06 Our Citizenship

Art & Culture Investment 2013 2012
(€ x 1,000) 12.2 89.7
64.5 93.3
Cultural sponsorships
Art Exhibitions / Events

Sponsorship Program 2013
(€ x 1,000) (breakdown)

4.1 82.2 9.7 8.8 104.9 21.8

Business - Social - Various Social -
Children/ Youth
Sports Business - General Aviation Sector Humanitarian Science

A welcoming airport for children

• Airport Visitors Service In this context, in 2013 we welcomed • Airport Children’s Play Area
in total 2,000 school visitors from 8
We host educational visits to the airport kindergarten schools, 10 elementary The Airport’s Children Play Area
premises so that school-children can schools, 14 high schools, 3 Public welcomed 5,542 young visitors and
broaden their horizons through a “virtual or Private Vocational Schools, the their families during 2013. The facility
travelling” at the airport facilities and University of Athens and Piraeus, as is operated by personnel of the
operational procedures. The visit lasts well as 18 specialised educational Association “The Smile of the Child”.
2½ hours and includes a presentation institutions. Travelling public applauds the care
of the Main Terminal Building (MTB), services provided over the years of
Archaeological Museum, Cultural We also hosted specialised visits its operation more than 54,250 young
exhibitions, Baggage Reclaim Area, of Hellenic Association of Travel and visitors and their families have enjoyed
etc. and a visit to the airport fire station Tourism Agencies (HATTA) for students this innovative service.
where the unique fire trucks “Panthers” with disabilities and “Perivolaki”, a non-
are located. profitable association for children with
special needs.

Enhancing Social Commitment

An important milestone of our “I.O.A.S. – Panos Mylonas“ Institute” significant amount to “ELPIDA”, the
corporate responsibility strategy is for the promotion of the campaign Association of Friends of Children with
to strengthen our social commitment “Travelling Greece in comfort and Cancer, in order to partially cover the
by supporting children and social safety”. cost of the guest house used by the
groups in need. In this aspect, we families of children with neoplasmatic
continued our multi-dimensional social We continued to support various diseases.
programme by contributing to national organisations with special focus
and international non-governmental on children issues such as “Make- In addition, in order to facilitate
humanitarian activities such as A-Wish”, “The Smile of the Child” schoolchildren’ education, we donated
ActionAid, Special Olympics-Hellas and and UNICEF, all children welfare 26 used personal computers and
organizations. We also donated a printers to Greek elementary schools,

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