Page 57 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 57
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

to the Voluntary group “Forest Business School for their Scholarship a scholarship to a candidate from the
Protection & Fire Prevention” at Vari Fund Raising Programme. Aiming Balkans.
and to the UNESCO department of at inspiring students to use new
Piraeus and Islands. technologies and introduce them in We continued our support for
a creative way in the magical world initiatives related with education
Aiming to raise public awareness of science and applications we and training of unemployed youth.
towards the safe recovery of lost supported the Avgoulea-Linardatou Under this new pillar of our corporate
children and the elderly, we participate School. Furthermore, we supported citizenship commitment we supported
in the “Amber Alert” and “Silver Alert” the association of the Graduates of the “Entrepreneurship & Career
programme, a volunteer partnership the German School of Athens and Panorama 2013” organised by the
between law enforcement agencies, participated for the 5th consecutive Research Centre of Strategic Business
broadcasters, transportation related year in the MBA International Management of the Athens University
parties and the wireless industry. Programme of the Athens University of of Economics and Business, focusing
Economics and Business by offering on business start–up seminars for
Regarding educational institutions, unemployed youth.
we supported the ALBA Graduate

AIA’s Digital Engagement

In 2013 we established our digital well as Responsive Web Design the unique and resonant nature of the
footprint by launching our new (RWD). Easy to use extras which European digital community as well as
corporate website while introducing include a flight tracker, parking pre- the Greek: Gold Ermis Award 2013”.
our Facebook and Twitter accounts. booking, information on live traffic
incidents, predefined routes with map Following the launch of the new
The newly developed corporate rendering and even an application corporate website, last October we
website is a customised approach for uploading photos, make the site entered Facebook and Twitter, aiming
upon information architecture and the ideal companion for all visitors to increase digital touch points and
content development based on who love travelling, whether they reinforce our presence within the digital
travellers specific needs, enhanced are at the airport or in Athens. It has ecosystem. Our social media activity
with highly attractive design. www. been awarded with the Silver Medal complements corporate website boosts the traveler / visitor in the Travel & Tourism category at operation. We remain committed to
perspective offering accurate the European “Lovie Awards 2013”, enhance the airport’s friendly and
information and advanced tools and which were focused on recognising human image through a constant and
applications of high technology as engaging dialogue with the public. / 57
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