Page 54 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 54
06 Our Citizenship

The actions implemented in 2013 are Culture and Athletics Do It Greece’ clean-up of a coastal
described below: area in Artemis.
• Financial support was offered • Financial support was provided to
Education to major local cultural and athletic animal welfare associations in Spata-
associations from Spata-Artemis Artemis, Koropi, Markopoulo and
• Financial rewards were offered to 14 for their annual cultural and athletic Rafina-Pikermi.
high school students in Spata-Artemis, events.
Koropi and Markopoulo who excelled • A heavy-duty storage system and Environment
academically and were admitted to other equipment as well as antiquities
higher educational institutions. maintenance services were donated to • The Vravrona Wetland Protection
• Electronic equipment, air conditioning the Vravrona Museum. and Promotion Programme was
units, furnishings, domestic implemented in collaboration with the
appliances, sports equipment and Society Hellenic Ornithological Society (HOS)
other infrastructure were provided and the Municipality of Markopoulo
to schools in the neighbouring • Medicine was supplied to the Mesogaia.
communities. municipal infirmaries of Spata-Artemis • The Prasinos Lofos area in Artemis
• All 27 public schools in the to cover operational needs and the was cleaned up for the seventh
Municipality of Spata-Artemis were “Help at Home” programme. consecutive year as a precautionary
rewarded for their participation in our • Supermarket vouchers were measure against forest fires.
recycling programme. distributed to 303 families in need • Maintenance and planting took place
• Christmas presents were distributed during the Easter and Christmas in the coastal park of Artemis on the
to 128 kindergartners in Artemis. periods in collaboration with social occasion of World Environment Day.
• Two scholarships were awarded services of the Municipality of Spata- • Financial support was provided to
to postgraduate students studying Artemis. the wildlife welfare association ANIMA
environmental science at University of • Financial support was provided to a within the frame of our cooperation on
the Aegean. local volunteer association for a ‘Let’s the raptor release programme.

Promoting the city of Athens

During the last three years we have of airport CEOs and top industry announced a new initiative called the
supported and enhanced Athens’ officials in Athens in October 2013. “City Pair Initiative”.
attractiveness as a tourist destination The aim of the event was the synthesis
and assisted in the recovery of of ideas and opinions on addressing Under the scheme of cooperation
the city’s image through strategic challenges, trends and issues of and mutual support between 18
cooperation and synergies with today’s aviation. fellow airports from around the
tourism organisations and associations world, we signed Memoranda of
(Ministry of Tourism, Association of The Symposium included speeches Understanding with the respective
Tourism enterprises, GNTO, Marketing and panel discussions conducted by airport representatives, who committed
Greece, etc.) as well as a series of high-level executives of the industry, to promote “Destination-Athens” with all
actions and initiatives through our including CEOs, representatives from their available means, on a reciprocity
“Destination Marketing” programme. ACI World / Europe, the Tourism and basis. Official airport magazines,
Transport industry, while the opening websites, social media accounts and
1st Airport Chief Executives’ speech was held by the Minister of airport grounds in Canada, the USA,
Symposium - “City Pair Tourism, Mrs. Olga Kefalogianni. Latin America, the European Union and
Initiative” Russia already participate in the “City
Aimed to boost the attractiveness Pair Initiative” with the key message
We initiated the annual, international and the dynamics of the city of Athens “Perhaψ You’re an Aθenian too”
Airport Chief Executives’ Symposium as a destination, especially during in a promotional campaign that
(ACES), by hosting the first gathering a period impacted by the adverse addresses a market of more than
macroeconomic conditions, during 170,000,000 passengers.
the works of the Symposium, we

history enthusiasm harmony

Perhaψ You’re an Aθenian too

paradise tragedy philoxenia comedy

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