Page 49 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 49
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

Providing a safe workplace

Recognising the importance of regarding employee health and safety. effectiveness of incident reporting
employees’ overall wellness, AIA As part of our accident prevention processes. Especially, first-aid and
takes particular care to provide a near-misses records are important as
contemporary, healthy and safe working programme, we encourage employees to assess the effectiveness of existing
environment, by keeping health and to report all incidents regardless controls, to identify whether new trends
safety risks to a minimum. At the same of their severity (including first-aid are developing and to implement new
time, AIA complies with national and incidents and near misses) and we have procedures, to avoid future serious
international regulations and standards developed procedures and e-tools in incidents.
order to improve the efficiency and

Occupational Accidents

Total Accidents (excluding to/from work accidents) 2013 2012 var
Accident Frequency Rate 9 12 -25.0%
0.29 -

Frequency Rate: Number of lost work day cases x 200,000 / total workhours

Breakdown of Accidents 12 2013 2012
12 5 00
10 First Aid Cases 2
8 Fatal accidents
6 Accidents to / from work



Lost workday cases

Employees occupied in hazardous Equipment is provided. health and safety, AIA Management
tasks or hazardous areas are given AIA cooperates with the occupational together with the Health and Safety
special attention. Training sessions Committee which is elected by
specialised for their activities’ hazards doctor who keeps all employees’ the employees and represents all
are organised in order to inform but also medical records, in order to ensure that employees holds meetings on a
to increase awareness level. For risks AIA staff is in good health to respond regular basis. During those meetings
that cannot be otherwise eliminated, to job-related duties. This process is working conditions are evaluated and
appropriate Personal Protective periodical and bound by confidentiality. suggestions for improvement are raised.

Being responsible for occupational

Investing in Employee Training and Development

In a highly specialised industry such as During implementation of AIA’s AIA’s Training Plan in 2013:
aviation, implementing our business training plan and in order to design
strategy is closely linked with developing the most effective training solutions, • 15,131 hours of training,
our people’s skills and capabilities. Thus, we use a variety of interactive training • 86.8% of the employees attended
continuous professional and personal methods as to develop employees’ at least one training session
training is of vital importance and abilities, such as in-class training, • 22.2 hours of training per full
significant resources are allocated to on-the-job training, workshops, job time equivalent employee (FTE).
pertinent activities. assignments as well as e-learning. / 49
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