Page 53 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 53
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

Our Commitment

We undertake an active role as a social as to advance social partnership and a tourist destination; we promote wider
partner in the local communities in prosperity in the region. cultural activities but also we support
which we operate. In line with our a number of humanitarian causes thus
Corporate Responsibility Policy, we Considering that Athens International enhancing our social commitment.
focus on delivering sustainable added Airport is more than a transportation
value to the adjacent communities hub, we support and promote the
attractiveness of the city of Athens as

Local Communities

The Airport Company has a diversified Through a continuous dialogue with the Stakeholder Engagement:
and lasting impact on the local region authorities and associations of the local In 2013, a total of 207 meetings
by supporting the development of communities on issues of common took place with representatives
infrastructure and various social, concern, we aim to sustain a peaceful from local authorities, associations,
humanitarian and cultural causes. co-existence with our neighbours. schools and individuals.

Engaging Local Entities 2013 2012
(breakdown of meetings)
112 130
Municipalities 42 71
Associations 29 36
Schools 24 38
Individuals 207
Total 275

In close cooperation with local of education, culture and athletics, Action Plan focused on the emerging
authorities and associations each transportation, society and the social needs of the community while
year we develop our Corporate Local environment. Taking into account the responding to requests from the
Communities Action Plan which current economic situation in Greece, Municipalities of Spata-Artemis, Koropi,
addresses needs related to the fields our 2013 Corporate Local Communities Markopoulo and Rafina-Pikermi.

Local Community Investment* 2013 2012
205.1 186.3
Local Community Investment(€ x 1,000) - (* including provisions)

Local Community Investment 2013 2012 % of total investment
(breakdown of projects/activities)
112,820 75,185 83.8
Education 7,800 25,359 5.8
Culture & Athletics 13,837 38,063 10.3
Society 245 47,642 0.2
Environment 186,249
Total 134,702 100.0 / 53
   48   49   50   51   52   53   54   55   56   57   58