Page 51 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 51
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

AIA Group Life & Medical The pension programme has to reduce the gap between the
Insurance Programme 2013: been established since 2003 for State pension and the salary before
all employees with open-ended retirement. The pension scheme is
• 1,854 persons covered employment contracts in order to highly appreciated by the eligible
(AIA employees and dependants) supplement the State retirement employees, 94.2% of which have
income. It is based on the philosophy selected to participate with their own
• 2,787 insurance claims served of matching contribution (a shared contribution.
(reimbursed) responsibility approach), aiming

Work Life Balance

We recognise that balance between athletic league at a European level, is an idea created by the Airport
quality of life and quality of work is since more than 100 corporate teams Company, with the main objective
essential to maintaining a healthy, and 1,000 athletes participate despite to bring people from the airport
satisfying and productive workforce. the recent financial crisis. AIA’s team, community together. The tournament
We aim to get our employees fully supported by our administration, has been taking place for 13
involved, creating a real “esprit de has already completed the first phase consecutive years so far involving
corps”, integrating management and of the games and was qualified for various teams from the airport
workforce at every level. We also the A2 class of the championship. community. In the football period
promote engagement of our people in Although next year’s goal is to improve 2012-2013, AIA’s team ranked second,
sporting activities, therefore support ranking, what really matters is that however succeeded to win the gold
football and basketball activities. colleagues from different departments medal at the Champions League,
For the 8th consecutive year AIA’s and levels come together on the court where participation was also open to
basketball team took part in the “Nikos and have fun with their favourite sport other companies.
Galis” championship for companies, every week.
the oldest and largest corporate
The 5x5 Airport football tournament

Involving, informing and engaging people

Maintaining peace in the workplace, Blood Donation Bank. The resulting on the Intranet. However, the most
where the presence of Union blood reserves are used to cover the important internal communication
representatives is strong, has always increased blood demands of children tool that AIA possesses is its Intranet.
been our priority. We recognise the suffering from leukaemia and other It enables employees to get prompt,
importance of staff engagement and types of cancer, as well as the needs complete and interactive information
continue encouraging a better flow of the blood donors themselves, their on all key matters regarding AIA’s
of communication. We are fully aware families or close relatives, in the event developments and operations, news
of our responsibility as an employer of an emergency. Our employees are and information about workplace
and strive to maintain good relations encouraged to participate in the blood services and benefits.
with our employees’ representatives: donation programme and during 2013
AIA Employees’ Union and the Health 41 units of blood were donated. To monitor the working environment
& Safety Committee (the Health & and other factors important in attaining
Safety Committee is an employee- For one more year, Santa Claus AIA’s strategic goals, an employee
elected body aiming at consulting AIA kept his promise, visited the annual opinion survey was carried out to elicit
Management in order to locate, record, Christmas party that AIA organises for the views of the employees. The survey
elaborate on, analyse and research its employees’ children and gave away was conducted and results processed
harmful elements and/or conditions presents. by an external company. The decision
and measures, which need to be taken to commission the project to a
to improve occupational health & Our success greatly depends specialised, independent organisation
safety). upon all employees’ understanding was made in order to ensure the
of how their work contributes to the most efficient possible approach to
An open and honest dialogue has Company’s overall vision and business the task and to guarantee the fullest
been well-established for many strategy; therefore we use information possible objectivity in relation to the
years and takes place mainly through tools such as the Corporate Intranet findings and conclusions. The survey
established meetings on an annual and and AIA’s magazine to disseminate was addressed to all employees and
regular basis. information to employees. Our overall although most of the questions were of
goal is to ensure that employees the closed type, those interested could
In cooperation with the Blood receive valid information on a timely also take advantage of open type
Transfusion Centre of Aglaia Kyriakou basis. “WeRAIA”, AIA’s magazine, is questions to express their views.
Children Hospital, AIA has created a published quarterly and also posted / 51
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