Page 45 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 45
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

Biodiversity & Wildlife Control

We implement a comprehensive bio- airport, while taking measures to as 15 habitat types as defined within
monitoring programme of ecosystems control and reduce wildlife hazards for the relevant legislation.
in the vicinity of the airport aiming to aircraft. The programme of trapping
protect of the region’s biodiversity by and relocating raptors launched The following actions were
applying international best practices. in 2009 continues to bear positive implemented in 2013 for the
The number of species of birds spotted results. conservation and promotion of the site:
at the airport has risen in recent years, • Clean-up of the wetland, especially
thus indicating the health of the local We continue our successful the coastal zone.
ecosystem. partnership with the Hellenic • Maintenance of existing footpaths,
Ornithological Society to protect and signage, vegetation and fencing.
Biodiversity: promote the Vravrona Wetland and • Monitoring of bird populations in the
Adjacent Coastal Zone, a local site of wetland.
The number of bird species unique ecological value that belongs • Publication of a leaflet with
recorded at the airport rose to 196 to the Natura 2000 Network and has information about the wetland for
in 2013. been identified as a Special Area of visitors.
Conservation (SAC).
Additionally, a team of specialists In addition, environmental
monitors and records wildlife at the According to information collected so presentations and guided tours are
far, the biodiversity of this site includes arranged for schools, conservation
100 plant taxa, 200 bird taxa, 27 taxa groups and cultural organisations.
of other terrestrial vertebrates as well / 45
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