Page 42 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 42
04 Our Environment

Average Noise Levels per Noise Monitoring Terminal (NMT)

2013 2012

NMT L den dB(A) L Night dB(A) L den dB(A) L Night dB(A)
2 36.3 18.5 44.6 25.5

3 58.3 42.9 59.1 40.4

4 59.0 49.7 57.5 48.4

5 49.7 31.8 54.5 34.3

6 55.7 49.2 52.3 43.3

7 51.1 42.9 51.2 43.1

8 48.7 36.6 49.7 37.7

9 53.1 39.1 50.8 36.5

10 31.2 18.4 30.0 19.9

LEGEND: Lden and Lnight are calculated as defined in Government Decision 13586/724 (GGG 384B, 28/3/2006). Noise
levels are measured in dB(A), a unit that denotes the human ear’s response to sound. The data for 2012 refer to noise levels
generated from a/c flights only as required by the relevant new Joint Ministerial Decision (JMD 210474/2012) whereas in
former years the total noise level was presented.

Since noise exposure is one of local authorities and citizen groups. site where concerned citizens may
the primary environmental aspects Furthermore, we have established register their complaints or request
impacting residents in the vicinity and operate – on a 24-hour basis - a clarifications on noise related issues. In
of the airport, we hold regular dedicated telephone line (“We Listen”) 2013, 25 complaints were handled.
meetings with representatives from and host a form on our corporate web

Noise Complaints broken down by origin
(neighboring communities)
Number of citizen
complaints received 2013 2012

Artemis 16 8
Ag. Kiriaki 12
Other areas

8 10

25 20

Comparative Noise Levels dB(A)
Pain Limit 115
Night Club 110
Car horn 82.5
Bus 80
Boeing 737-400 in NMT 3 75
Normal conversation 75
Car in residential area 74
Boeing 737-400 in NMT 5 73
Boeing 737-400 in NMT 2 72.5
Propeller Aircraft in NMT 2 & 3 70
Propeller Aircraft in NMT 5 50
Quiet residential area 30

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