Page 39 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 39
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

Energy such, we have overall responsibility for Furthermore, we ensure that all airport
all aspects of the airport’s electricity users have fair and equal access to
Since January 2011, we are a licensed grid, including consumption data electricity, based on structural and
Electricity Grid Manager that owns and reporting, development, maintenance, transparent methods.
operates an electricity grid/ network, upgrade and safe operation.
supplying the airport community with
medium and low voltage electricity. As

Electricity Consumption 2013 2012 var %
107,897 117,315 -8.0
Total Airport (MWh) (Refers to the entire airport community) 51,970 56,443 -7.9
AIA only (MWh) (Refers to the company only) -5.0
Total Airport consumption per passenger (kWh / pax) 8.61 9.06

Under the Sales Agreement signed to the users/ consumers connected is responsible for the consumption
with the respective suppliers, we are to the grids, while assuring the grids’ measurement and reporting of the
responsible for the distribution and development, maintenance, upgrade said commodities for all consumers
recharging of Natural Gas and Water and safe operation. Furthermore, AIA including AIA’s own needs.

Natural Gas Consumption 2013 2012 var %

Natural Gas Consumption 2,220 2,685 -17.3
Total Airport (Nm3 x 1000) (Refers to the entire airport community) 1,036 1,330 -22.1
AIA only (Nm3 x 1000) (Refers to the company only) -14.3
Total Airport consumption per passenger (Nm3 / pax) 0.18 0.21
Water Consumption -1.1
Total Airport (m3 x 1000) (Refers to the entire airport community) 538 544 0.6
AIA only (m3 x 1000) (Refers to the company only) 311 309 2.4
Total Airport consumption per passenger (m3 / pax) 0.043 0.042

Energy Conservation Measures

2013 2012 var %

Energy Conservation Measures (Refers to the electricity consumption thoughout entire airport community) (vs previous year)

Total Airport Savings (MWh) 9,418 3,040 209.8

Total Airport Savings CO2 emissions equivalent (tonnes) 8,426 2,662 216.5
AIA Savings (MWh) 4,473 783 471.3

Total Energy Conservation CO2 emissions equivalent (tonnes) 4,002 685.80 483.6

AIA holds an energy production 160,000m2 that produces electricity at 0.2% higher than 2012 as a result of
licence that permits the production Medium Voltage, feeding the national the favourable weather conditions, and
and sale of renewable energy from its electricity system through AIA’s own 9.5% higher than initially anticipated
8,05MWp Photovoltaic Plant (PVP) grid. for the said year. Energy produced
which was commissioned in July 2011. during 2013 is equivalent to 12.6% of the
The PVP is located south–east of the Summarizing the 2013 annual airport’s total electricity consumption
eastern runway, covering an area of operations, AIA’s PVP produced more or 26.2% of AIA’s own electricity needs.
than 13,600 MWh of clean energy, / 39
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