Page 37 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 37
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

Our Commitment regulatory framework [International is a key driver for the successful
Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) implementation of all our action plans.
Environmental protection is a top priority Annex 16, our Airport Development Furthermore, sharing of information
not only for us but also for third parties Agreement (ADA) and Article 8 of the at all levels and with all employees,
operating at the airport. We responsibly Ratifying Law 2338/1995]. business partners, state authorities
and effectively monitor all environmental and the public in general, is highly
aspects and aim to minimise or All possible compliance risks are encouraged.
prevent, where possible, the airport’s identified and efficiently addressed
environmental impact on the Mesogeia while remedial actions are performed Raising Awareness in 2013:
region through initiatives that go well in a prompt and effective manner
beyond regulatory requirements. when necessary. We provide regular Ten presentations on
and accurate information on our level environmental management
Our Corporate Environmental of compliance and our efforts for issues were made to a total
Policy focuses on our commitment excellence to the Board of Directors’ of 41 persons representing
for continuous improvement of our Audit Committee. major third parties, which
environmental performance and operate at the airport.
initiatives for reducing emissions while The Environmental Services
maximising energy efficiency in our Department reports to AIA’s Chief We regularly review and update
infrastructure and airport operations. Operations Officer who has the our environmental objectives and
Principles of sustainable development responsibility to ensure that the targets while our performance and
are incorporated in our corporate Company adapts to all current legal and achievements are regularly disclosed
procedures. regulatory requirements, proactively to the public.
responds to possible corporate
In accordance with our corporate environmental risks and whenever During 2013, there was no legal
Compliance Policy, we are committed required implements remedial actions. action taken against AIA nor any fine or
to ensure that all aspects of our monetary sanction imposed related to
activities are in full compliance with Environmental awareness amongst environmental aspects.
the current environmental legal and employees, members of the airport
community and local municipalities

Environmental Management System

Our efforts are focused on effectively our certification remaining valid until companies of the airport community
addressing all environmental January 2016. have been certified. Furthermore,
challenges through our Environmental environmental audits of third parties
Management System (EMS), which All AIA contractual agreements with are conducted on a regular basis in
has been certified according to the third parties operating at the airport order to assess compliance with the
international standard ISO 14001 entail environmental requirements. applicable national and European
since 2000. In 2013, the first annual For example, all major third parties environmental legislation, Airport
assessment audit of the EMS was must establish an EMS and certify it in guidelines and regulations as well
successfully conducted by an accordance with ISO 14001 and/or the as their approved Environmental
independent certification body with Eco-Management and Audit Scheme Management Plans.
(EMAS) regulation. To date, thirty-nine

Climate Change Since this is a serious global concern, managing greenhouse gas emissions
we acknowledge the necessity to under our direct control, we guide and
Addressing our contribution to respond to any challenge related to our influence organisations operating at
climate change is a central element business area. the airport community towards the
of our sustainability strategy, though same direction.
there is no applicable national or In addition to measuring and
international related framework.

Airport Carbon Accreditation:

AIA participates in a voluntary initiative led by the European region of Airports Council International (ACI Europe)
aimed at managing greenhouse gas emissions under the control of airport operators. AIA is currently accredited at
Level 3 (Optimisation) of Airport Carbon Accreditation and has set the following long-term goal:

a 25% reduction in CO2 emissions under AIA’s direct control by 2020 using 2005 as a baseline year / 37
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