Page 18 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 18
02 Corporate Identity

Corporate Responsibility Action Plan

The following outcome of the CR Committee is a tabulation of planned activities related to AIA’s material aspects, as these
are projected for implementation in 2014.

Aspect Description of planned activities

Market Presence • Incentives Plan
• Destination Marketing activities

Operational Readiness • Efficiency of Critical Systems

Aviation Safety Emergency Preparedness • Emergency Crisis Planning training / workshops / exercises plan

Energy • Energy management system targeting conservation and exploitation of renewable energy

Emissions & Climate Change • Carbon emissions reduction through Climate Change Corporate Action Plan

Effluents & Waste • Water and waste management programmes targeting reuse and recycling

Noise • Noise Abatement Procedures in collaboration with HCAA; Complaint management

Employee health & safety • Health & Safety training and awareness sessions

Local Communities • Multidimensional Local Communities Action Plan

Customer Safety • Health & Safety inspections in public areas

Socio-Economic Impact

Airports are increasingly considered as community towards job creation and AIA requested a scientific team from
an important driver of socioeconomic economic development, both at a Athens University of Economics and
growth for both the national economy regional and at a national level. At the Business to undertake a relevant study.
and the local communities in which same time, through actions of corporate Considering that socio-economic
they operate. Their contribution is not responsibility, there have been impact bears increased significance
limited to the direct impacts generated significant benefits from the operation in the current economic climate, an
by their operation, but instead spans of Athens International Airport in update of the study was undertaken in
much bigger benefits created for local the fields of quality and safety of 2013 by the same group of experts.
companies, associated state entities transport, environment, labour peace,
and the wider community, which all gain etc. The Airport Company itself has a The study uses a novel econometric
access to the generally high level of diversified and lasting impact on the input-output approach to estimate
services and products developed at the prosperity of the region by supporting impacts from the airport’s operation.
international airports. the development of infrastructures and The Input-Output model measured
various social, humanitarian and cultural total economic impact of AIA as the
In that sense, Athens International causes as well as to Greek society sum of separate but interrelated
Airport has a considerable yield at large through its sponsorships categories: Direct Impacts (including
that goes beyond the financial value programme. employment/wages and overall income
created for shareholders and the generated directly by the operation
Greek State in particular. There is In order to quantify the socio- of the entire airport community of
substantial contribution by the airport economic value created, in 2009 13,160 people amounted to €1.9bn

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