Page 15 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 15
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

CR Governance Structure CR Perspectives •• Environmental Responsibility
Undertaking initiatives and
•• Strategic level – identification of •• Airport Operator’s Responsibility commitments to minimise impact from
material issues and compilation of the Running the airport efficiently, airport operation and development
CR Action Plan fostering an airport community culture as well as communicating and raising
and acting on public interest with awareness regarding environmental
•• Reporting level – alignment with respect to safety and service quality. issues.
prevailing sustainability standards and
guidelines and coordination of the •• Corporate Citizenship •• Employer’s Responsibility
corporate-wide process for quantifying •• Focusing on good neighbourly relations Developing, compensating and
and reporting performance engaging our human capital while
with local communities, advancing maintaining a committed workforce
•• Implementation level – embedding social partnership and prosperity in in a safe, productive and fair work
responsibility in operational and the region, promoting of wider cultural environment.
developmental activities across all AIA activities and supporting humanitarian
Units and Departments. causes for society at large

Implementing Corporate Responsibility

Inclusivity: accounting for their requirements and expectations regular workshops, customer
stakeholders’ expectations and integrating this input in its strategy surveys & complaint management,
development and deployment. telephone line for local community
AIA is committed to engaging The Company has established etc.) and evaluates and responds to
stakeholders in a balanced and mechanisms to capture stakeholder the feedback through management
respectful manner, comprehending feedback (such as joint committees, actions. These actions are described in

AIA Stakeholder MapShareh Employees BusinessPartners

olders Labour Day-to-day
Relations work / Bilateral
Board Promoting Meetings Businnes
Meetings Dialogue Community Joint
Governance Employee activities
Structure Surveys
Customers Day-to-day-work cal Communiti
Operator, User Meetings with
Committees Customer Representatives
Satisfaction Surveys
Joint Initiatives


Passenger Memberships /
Surveys Networking Activities
Cooperation with
Passenger Educational Cultural
Comment Institutions & NGOs
Passengers HCAA / Ministry s
Committees Crisis Society

Regulatory Audits

State Authoritie / 15
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