Page 16 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 16
02 Corporate Identity

the following chapters of this Report. joint activities etc.) further to the day- mechanisms, aiming at the compilation
The stakeholder map reflects to-day interfaces. of evaluation data used for planning
improvement actions.
on the diversity of the Company’s On a local community level, the
stakeholders, based on the effect of constant dialogue that AIA has initiated Materiality: establishing
our operational and business activities, with authorities and representatives sustainability context
within and outside the boundaries of facilitates recognition of material
the airport community. sustainability issues and prioritisation Every two years, AIA’s CR Committee
of challenges and opportunities, performs an analysis of material
AIA’s operational success is through a perspective of mutual trust issues with respect to the impact of
based on stakeholder cooperation. and understanding. these issues on the Company and
Cooperation with our customers and the perceived level of concern for our
business partners is facilitated through On a wider society level, AIA stakeholders. The exercise involves
a structure of engagement practices engages passengers and other all members of the CR Committee
(committees, exercises, workshops, consumers through various feedback

AIA’s Materiality Map

Ranking of applicable aspects (GRI G4 & AOSS G4) based on impact on the company vs. concern to stakeholders

Material Aspects Aspect Boundaries: AIA Airport Community Outside Airport
High Impact / High Concern
Low Impact / High Concern

Customer Safety (inc. aviation & security)

Operational Readiness / Emergency Preparedness

Market Presense (Traffic)

Economic Performance

Indirect Economic Impact Noise

Local Communities

Emissions & Climate Change

Effluents & Waste

Concern of Impact for Stakeholders Water Energy
Environ. compliance
Biodiversity Environ. grievances Customer privacy
Employee Health & safety
Anti-corruption practices
Environ. Mgmt
Inter-Modality Service compliance
Service Quality

Environ. effect on services Service information
Services for PRMs

Human rights for security practices Training & Development
Human rights assessment

Employment Practices


Environ. effect on supply chain

Diversity Freedom of Association

Human rights effect on agreements

Low Impact / Low Concern Significance of Impact for AIA High Impact / Low Concern

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