Page 14 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 14
02 Corporate Identity

Business Conduct interfacing with our partners abide by a occurrence of legal, regulatory,
strict framework of principles and rules. reputational and/or financial risks arising
AIA aims at being acknowledged as a Both Codes are under the responsibility from fraudulent activity. The policy also
role model responsible Company within of Director Human Resources. provides a mechanism for employees
the markets it operates and to influence to report suspected irregularities and
others in their effort to follow a path of In 2013, the Code of Business Conduct has developed a mechanism for the
sustainability. Our corporate values and the Code of Relations with Business investigation and management of such
(Accountability, Team Spirit, Respect, Partners were revised in order to update events, i.e. Fraud Detection.
Effectiveness, Customer Focus) the alignment with associated Policies
are embedded in all aspects of our and Procedures. The established Code AIA aims to protect its employees,
operation and development. Acceptance & Reconfirmation process financial interests, clients, providers
was integrated in the relevant online and the people who live and act at the
AIA applies a Code of Business awareness programme and and is being airport community by carrying out a
Conduct, developed in line with global completed on an annual basis by all fair and balanced policy that develops
best practices, which urges employees employees. and maintains an anti-fraud culture. AIA
to conduct business activities in will deter, prevent and investigate fraud
accordance with corporate values, thus Anti-Fraud and corruption, and apply appropriate
aiming to maintain the company’s good corrective and/or disciplinary measures
reputation and trust and to reinforce Prevention of fraud is a crucial element as required. It will work in a collaborative
stakeholders’ confidence. The Code of AIA’s Policies and strict compliance way to seek remediation wherever
is a management tool that safeguards to the relevant rules must be secured possible.
an all-embracing work environment by involved employees, Management
where no discrimination, victimisation members and members of the Board of Our corporate Anti-Fraud Policy
and harassment may occur. The Code Directors. aims to ensure that a system of internal
provides a framework that allows controls is in place for securing adequate
employees to express their concerns on Management and employees are containment of fraud risk, an internal
possible violations in good faith, while expected to behave in an honest and framework is provided for all employees
protecting them from any retaliation. fair way, in line with the provisions of to report suspected acts of fraud or
The Code promotes Management AIA’s Code of Business Conduct for other similar irregularities and that a
Responsibility with respect to corporate compliance, integrity and avoidance of mechanism is in place for undertaking
standards of conduct through an annual conflict of interest, thus promoting fraud formal investigation of such irregularities
reconfirmation process. Integral to the avoidance. and designing specific actions to rectify
Code of Business Conduct, a Code identified control gaps.
of Relations with Business Partners AIA has also established an Anti-
ensures that suppliers are treated with Fraud Policy which sets out a regular
fairness and integrity and that employees risk assessment exercise aiming
at preventing/avoiding the risk of

Corporate Responsibility Governance

AIA approaches corporate on Social Responsibility), namely Through the CR Report, AIA
responsibility in an integrated Accountability, Transparency, Ethical enhances the transparency and
way, aiming at promoting the Behaviour, Respect for Stakeholder disclosure practices related to
sustainability of all aspects of our Interests, Respect for the rule of law, governance, environmental, social
operation and development. This Respect for international norms of and employee related initiatives. AIA’s
approach is reflected in the Corporate behaviour and Respect for human CR Report conforms to contemporary
Responsibility Policy and deployed as rights. international sustainability reporting
a cross-departmental effort, through a guidelines, such as the Global
contemporary 3-level CR governance The implementation of the annual Reporting Initiative GRI-G4 (2013)
structure. CR Action Plan fosters stakeholder including the G4 ‘Airport Operators
engagement, enhances corporate Sector Disclosures’, based on the
AIA applies a Corporate reputation and brand image and ‘GRI AOSS’ (2011 - G3.1 Guidelines).
Responsibility Policy that provides secures AIA’s “social license to AIA was a major contributor for the
for the development, update and operate”. The development and development of the latter through
implementation of a CR Strategy and continuous update of AIA’s CR Strategy a 2-year international project.
the preparation of an annual CR Report is based on continuous redefinition Furthermore, the CR Report fulfils
in line with prevailing international and prioritisation of the material issues, ongoing commitments made towards
standards. Within this policy, AIA i.e. those of significant impact on the the United Nations Global Compact
adopts fundamental principles in line company and its stakeholders. The CR (UNGC) for Communication on
with the internationally-acknowledged Strategy is implemented across AIA’s Progress (CoP).
ISO 26000:2010 standard (Guidance CR Perspectives.

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