Page 13 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
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Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

Furthermore, the Company invests Continuity System relates to various the alignment of AIA’s Policies and
in management systems that enhance failure scenarios and corresponding Procedures with external compliance
controls and serve its commitment for recovery measures which are in requirements as well as the response
providing high-quality, state-of-the- turn foreseen in related operational to compliance violations with remedial
art services. Where necessary, these procedures. actions in a prompt and effective
systems are certified in accordance manner.
with prevailing standards. In this Compliance
respect, AIA maintains the certification By integrating and applying the
against the ISO9001:2008 standard for AIA applies a Legal & Regulatory Corporate Compliance Policy, AIA
its IT&T Business Unit and certification Compliance where relevant duties Management aims to ensure that legal,
against the ISO 14001 standard are assigned to the members of operational and reputational risks are
(release 2004 + Cor1:2009) for its management respectively responsible minimised, scrutiny from regulators is
Environmental Services department. for the following areas of activity: effectively dealt with and stakeholders
Aerodrome Operations, Ground are provided with the comfort of
Precautionary approach / Handling Services, Environment, effective compliance practices.
Risk Management Security, Information Technology,
Accounting & Tax, Procurement, Information
The Company’s objectives and the Labour, Fire Safety and Design &
environment in which it operates are Construction and Airport Charges On an annual basis AIA issues and
continually evolving; hence it faces Policy. This management structure publicly discloses a number of reports
continually changing risks. Therefore, is an integral part of AIA’s Corporate that cover all aspects of activities
a sound system of internal control Governance framework. Coordination and performance. These include
depends on a thorough and regular and consultation is provided centrally the Annual Report, the Corporate
evaluation of the nature and extent by the Corporate Compliance Responsibility Report, the Care for the
of the risks to which the Company Coordinator. Environment bulletin and the Aerostat
is exposed. Risk identification Report, which present key figures and
and assessment is implemented A new Corporate Compliance Policy trends relating to our operations and
periodically at Unit level and at was prepared in 2013 outlining the market.
corporate level, in line with relevant commitment of AIA Management for
corporate Policy and Procedures. ensuring compliance with the Legal Furthermore, AIA has developed
& Regulatory Framework. The Policy a reporting system which not
The Corporate Risk Management identifies the roles and responsibilities only supports Management in its
process is a proactive and structured of AIA Management and personnel strategic decision-making but also
on-going approach to manage arising from this commitment, as fosters effective communication
uncertainty. It provides a framework these are implemented during daily within the Company as well as with
whereby threats to AIA are identified, execution of their tasks. This Policy external parties (e.g. customers,
evaluated, managed, monitored, and is an integral part of AIA’s Corporate concessionaires, suppliers, regulators
integrated across all airport disciplines. Governance framework that consists and shareholders).
This methodology supports the of practices and policies which ensure
top-down holistic assessment of that corporate objectives are set Monitoring
risk exposures from a perspective and attained. Under this Policy, AIA
that recognises that risks are often expresses its indisputable respect AIA is practicing continuous monitoring
correlated and unpredictable. towards the applicable Legal and in order to provide assurance that
Regulatory Framework (national and controls and other planned actions
A Risk Management Committee international) and its requirement are carried out properly and to identify
updates on a regular basis the of its employees and business key exceptions which necessitate
Corporate Risk Portfolio, ensuring partners to do likewise. AIA develops review and management action quickly
that all significant risks affecting and implements the Policy for and effectively. Scheduled periodic
Company’s objectives are identified, ensuring continuous and unwavering audits performed both by external
assessed and prioritised based on a compliance and adherence within the auditors and the Company’s internal
number of predefined parameters. The full spectrum of Applicable Laws, while audit department aim to further assure
Committee continuously interfaces promoting incorporation of generally the adequacy of the Internal Control
with members of different AIA accepted contemporary business System. Furthermore, enhanced IT
departments, aiming at identifying practices beyond the minimum solutions that AIA has developed, such
current and emerging risks while acceptable threshold of compliance as data measurement techniques
providing updated information on with legal obligations. applied to the compilation of indicators
the corporate risk landscape to the for corporate use, facilitate the
Management, the Audit Committee In order to attain compliance, AIA continuous monitoring process.
and the Board of Directors. Management is committed to ensure
that all aspects of AIA’s operational Continuous monitoring supports
AIA compliments its corporate and developmental activities are in AIA’s “Value Based Management”
risk management framework with full compliance with the Legal and (VBM) that measures value created
the implementation of a Business Regulatory Framework applicable on a company and business unit level
Continuity System, in line with at the time these activities occur. taking into account both financial and
applicable standards as well as The Compliance process foresees non-financial metrics.
industry best practices. The Business / 13
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