Page 11 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 11
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

Shareholder Structure

The shareholder structure of Athens International Airport, according to the relevant Books of Shares and Shareholders, is:

Shareholder Number of Shares %
9,000,000 30
Hellenic Republic Asset
Development Fund (HRADF)

AviAlliance GmbH* 8,000,004 26.667

Greek State 7,500,000 25

AviAlliance Capital GmbH & Co. KGaA** 4,000,002 13.333

Copelouzos Dimitrios 599,997 2

Copelouzou Kiriaki 299,999 1

Copelouzos Christos 299,999 1

Copelouzou Eleni-Asimina 299,999 1

Total 30,000,000 100

* Hochtief AirPort GmbH was renamed to AviAlliance GmbH as of October 30, 2013
** Hochtief AirPort Capital GmbH and Co, KGaA was renamed to AviAlliance GmbH and Co, KGaA as of November 29, 2013

The mission of Athens International services, in line with a two-fold business and services, the exploitation and
Airport is to be a dynamic and best strategy: development of the airport’s assets and
practice enterprise, for managing and • The aeronautical strategy pursuing real-estate, as well as the integration,
developing diverse airport activities to sustain and grow current traffic management and advancement of
and creating sustainable value for its and expand customer base, and the IT&T systems together with exporting
stakeholders and society in the Greek focused development of regional of know-how to targeted markets.
and international arena. hubbing and low-cost-carriers
traffic, with an aim to outperform The Company operates in a socially
The company’s objective to create macroeconomic trends. and environmentally responsible way
sustainable value for all identified • The non-aeronautical strategy providing stakeholders an operating
stakeholders and offer value-for-money entailing the development of high- and working environment that meets
services to customers is attained quality consumer-related products the increasing demands on safety and
through the company’s primary security.

Governance Structure

The Company abides by the provisions Agreement. The Board bears the corporate responsibility related issues
of the law on Sociétés Anonymes (S.A.) responsibility for the management are brought to the attention of the Board
(Law 2190/1920), as applicable, the and administration of all corporate of Directors. The Annual Ordinary
provisions of the Airport Development matters and affairs and has in this General Meeting of the Shareholders
Agreement and Law 2338/1995 respect delegated specific authorities approves the actions and decisions
(Government Gazette A’ 202/14.9.1995) to the Chief Executive Officer and the of the Board of Directors during the
which defines, among others, the members of Management respectively. previous corporate fiscal year and
relations between shareholders. Management informs the Board of releases the Board of Directors from
Directors through regular meetings and any responsibility from that year, in
The Board of Directors, consisting of reports. Specific Board Committees accordance with the Law 2190/1920 and
nine non-Executive members, acts in the convene on issues related to investment, the Company’s Articles of Association.
best interest of the Airport Company, by budget and financial management, More information about AIA’s Board
promoting its business, in accordance personnel, corporate planning and audit. of Directors is available in the Annual
with art. 8.2.e as well as art. 12.1 of the Within this framework, environmental, Report.
Company’s Articles of Association and safety, human resources, and other
art. 37.2 of the Airport Development The Audit Committee, in line with the / 11
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