Page 6 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 6
1 Joint Address
by the Chairman
and the CEO

Dear Stakeholders, macroeconomic environment, the aviation industry proved resilient to the
Airport Company continued to post relatively slow global economic growth
Being responsible for the operation healthy profits maintaining profit and the high fuel costs, supported by
and development of an airport city margins above the average airport improvements in the industry structure
of 300 entities and 13,000 people, industry and other major Greek and efficiency gains which included
our sustaining success at Athens companies. Our targeted efforts airline consolidations, enhanced airline
International Airport is about running directly protected traffic volumes ancillary revenues, improved aircraft
a good business, i.e. acknowledging and revenue streams by significantly utilisation and further cost management
and responding to diverse stakeholder enhancing our incentive policy towards actions. European airports saw an
interests, attaining productivity while both aeronautical and non-aeronautical overall modest passenger traffic
controlling risks, attaining growth business and by providing savings on increase, as the performance gap of
while respecting the environment and the cost side, without compromising EU airports compared to their non-EU
constraining costs while delivering a our value-for-money strategy and our counterparts narrowed during the
positive socio-economic impact. sustainability commitments. second half of 2013, when EU airports
started to experience recovery signs.
Despite the severely unfavourable 2013 was a year that the global

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