Page 7 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
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Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

In Greece the continuing difficult objectives of this study were to identify improvements in the Main Terminal
situation of the Greek economy and measure the impact from the Building and the improvements in
was a key factor which determined operation of the airport to the Greek e-facilities. Furthermore, an increase
growth of air traffic at AIA. With the economy and to the Mesogheia in satisfaction level was noted
Greek GDP contracting by 3.9% region in terms of job creation and with respect to ground assistance
and the private consumption index economic value added. The results of services to persons with disability
by 6.0%, the Greeks’ propensity to the study clearly demonstrate that AIA and/or reduced mobility (PRM), as
travel continued to be negatively remains a substantial contributor to the PRM passengers rated their overall
influenced. On top of the unfavourable socioeconomic output of the country satisfaction very high (4.92 for 2013 vs.
economic environment in the country, in terms of economic value creation 4.85 for 2012 on a scale of 1= poor to
the foreign carriers’ restructuring (annual added value at national level: 5= excellent).
and network rationalisation were €5.1 billion or 2.63% of the Greek GDP)
additional drivers to adversely affect and in terms of job creation (operation Our efforts for actively engaging the
the aviation market. On the other side, of the airport yields 99,987 jobs at Cargo Community continued in 2013.
favourable development of incoming national level). In June the AIA cargo community team
tourism in Greece and gradual was fully represented for the fifth time
resurgence of Athens as a popular In 2013 we maintained safe, orderly at the biennial international exhibition
tourism destination counterbalanced and efficient aviation operations, “Air Cargo Europe”. Representatives
other negative factors. The emerging offering high-quality services to of the handlers, airlines, forwarders,
recovery trend presented a limited aircraft operators, ground-handlers general sales agents and the airport
reduction (-3.2%) in terms of and passengers. Close cooperation promoted under the same roof the
passenger volumes in 2013. with all stakeholders ensured the airports’ traffic potential.
expected safety and passenger
A significant development for the convenience level. Climate change remains a priority
Airport Company in 2013 was the element of AIA’s sustainability strategy.
completion of the Transaction for AIA’s crisis planning and aviation In 2013 AIA received the “Eco-
the transfer of shares of Hochtief safety management ensures efficient Innovation Award” from ACI Europe in
Airport GmbH from AIA’s founding daily operations with high safety recognition of the importance given by
Ultimate Parent Hochtief AG to the awareness and engagement of all the Airport Company to protecting the
Public Sector Pension Investment airport key stakeholders. The intensive environment and adopting innovative
Board (PSP Investments) of Canada. training activities for airside safety initiatives. Despite economic
Consideration of Environmental Social awareness along with workshops and pressures, AIA continues to seek and
Governance (ESG) risks were part of committee meetings within airport deliver environmental management
the due diligence process with respect community stakeholders, contributed systems that go well beyond regulatory
to the undertaken investment and the to this performance. In 2013, following requirements. In addition, AIA’s Airport
assessment of AIA’s management ICAO stipulations, an external safety Carbon Accreditation was recently
practices. audit took place for the first time (early 2014) upgraded to Level 3
by a specialized organization with (Optimisation) following the expansion
Athens International Airport aims vast experience and international of its carbon footprint to include
at consistently demonstrating an recognition. The audit confirmed that indirect emission sources and its
exemplary balancing of sound financial AIA’s Safety Management System is work to engage other members of the
performance and a sustainable in accordance with the international airport community in the fight against
approach to business. The Airport standards. climate change.
Company recorded in 2013 Profit
Before Tax (PBT) of €93.9 million. Passenger satisfaction showed Since 2005 AIA has managed to
The valuation of our corporate a significant improvement in 2013, reduce its electricity consumption by
responsibility activities was sustained as derived from the service quality 20% (13.4 MWh) through a number
at 2.44% of the total operating surveys and the analysis of passenger of energy-saving initiatives, which in
expense, while the total valuation of complaints. The key attributes to combination with additional measures
AIA’s social product yield reached passenger satisfaction, i.e. staff to reduce emissions from other
€91.5 million. courtesy, cleanliness, ambience sources have resulted in approximately
and e-facilities, demonstrated an a 25% reduction AIA’s carbon footprint
In order to reassess the overall improvement versus the previous (17,000 tonnes of CO2) over the same
economic and social value of Athens year. AIA’s standings in comparison period. As an additional energy-saving
airport following 5 years of recession with other European airports measure aiming at improving AIA’s
in Greece and to develop a common (through the Airport Service Quality carbon footprint, the Power Quality
understanding with our stakeholders, survey conducted under ACI) also Optimization System in the Main
in 2013 we reassigned to the Athens showed an improved performance. Terminal Building was put in operation
University of Economics and Business The key contributing factors for in September 2013.
the update of the Economic Impact this improvement of the overall
Study carried out in 2009. The satisfaction were the ambience We remain committed to our active
role as social partner and key driver for / 7
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