Page 12 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 12
02 Corporate Identity

internationally-accepted corporate Company, controlling and monitoring the parties engaged by Management to
governance framework, assists the the Internal and External audit systems provide CR Assurance services.
Company’s Board of Directors in the and the internal controls system, in
exercise of the latter’s supervisory accordance with applicable provisions. The Company is structured around four
responsibilities by monitoring the In this respect, the Audit Committee Business Units, serving the relevant activity
financial information published by the reviews the independence and quality of sectors, which are in turn supported by
various corporate functions.

AIA Organisational Structure

Internal Audit Board Commu-
of Directors nications &
Executive Legal
Officer Corporate
(CEO) Planning
Chief Chief Chief Control
Operations Development Finance & Corporate
Administration Security
Officer Officer
(COO) (CDO) Officer Human
(CFO) Resources
&TTenemciclIhenaancfttoooiioorlmo-nngmsyu- Security Technical
BuUsinnietss Operations Services ment
BuAsivnieastisoUn nit BCuosinnseusms eUrnsit BuPsrinoepsesrtUynit Corporate
Finance Unit Quality

Environ- Business
mental Control


Control Environment

AIA applies corporate governance Company’s assets. to add value (in terms of improved
practices across its operations. The Airport Company sets a series of efficiency and effectiveness) and
In response to its commitment to provide a systematic disciplined
to support and advance a sound policies and procedures to ensure that approach to evaluating the
governance culture, Management Management directives are carried out effectiveness of risk management,
has established an Internal Control and corporate objectives are achieved. control and governance processes.
System, aiming to shelter both the The Company regularly seeks
Company and its employees from any assurance from internal and external Another key structural element of
conflicting interests. The efficiency auditors to ensure that control activities the Company’s control environment
and effectiveness of the related are functioning effectively. Under the is the Business Control function
controls contribute to safeguarding relevant Charter, the Internal Audit established in every Unit, supporting
the shareholders’ interests and the department provides independent the embedding of controls in the day-
and objective audit services, designed to-day operation of the company.

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