Page 9 - Corporate Responsibility Report 2013
P. 9
Corporate Responsibility Report 2013

number of hours being provided to
employees on training is the equivalent
of 22.2 hours per Full Time Equivalent
Employee (FTE). In order to promote
thorough awareness of the revised
Code of Business Conduct, an online
learning programme was completed
by all employees. Furthermore, in order
to monitor the working environment, an
employee opinion survey was carried
out in 2013 in order to elicit the views of
all employees. The survey results were
processed by an external, specialized

The 2013 Corporate Responsibility
Report is a facts-based presentation
of our sustainability performance,
validating our corporate commitments
as they are materialised in a consistent
and controlled manner. In accordance
with the recently introduced GRI
G4 reporting guidelines, focus is
placed on the materiality aspect of
our disclosures. The Report was
submitted for limited assurance by an
independent third party and contains
our Communication on Progress
report in line with our sustaining
commitment to the United Nations
Global Compact. Our CR reporting
process supports our commitment for
transparency and facilitates alignment
with globally acknowledged best

We believe that there is a strong
business case for corporate
responsibility and accountability,
for respecting globally recognised
principles as part of our day-to-day
operation. Even more so in the midst of
a turbulent business environment the
business case becomes stronger for
sustaining our corporate reputation of
a prudent, respectful and responsible
operator that nurtures employee
loyalty, secures our dependability
towards business partners and drives
public confidence in us. At the bottom
line, we believe that good business is
good for the business itself.

Dr Ioannis N. Paraschis Professor Dr Ioannis N. Paraschis
CEO Nickolaos G. Travlos CEO
Chairman of the

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