Page 36 - Annual Report 2015 EN






Page 36 - Annual Report 2015 EN
P. 36

Corporate Responsibility

ΑΙΑ creates sustainable value through a principles-based, yield-driven business model in
aeronautical and non-aeronautical business. AIA implements systems and procedures as to
ensure the safe and orderly handling of air traffic and ground services while ensuring the highest
level of service quality for customers. As a responsible entrepreneur, AIA nurtures employee
loyalty, secures dependability towards business partners and drives public confidence. As the
coordinating authority for the Airport Community, AIA develops long-lasting partnerships
with airport stakeholders and fosters responsible corporate leadership towards local and global
environmental challenges, local communities and society at large. This balancing of roles for
efficient airport management, ensuring a profitable yield and serving public interest lies in the
centre of its corporate responsibility philosophy. The value-adding outcome is running a good
business which has a positive socio-economic impact and gradually influences our market.

AIA practices Corporate Responsibility (CR) as a structured governance system that is based
on globally acknowledged standards and best practices. In line with the provisions of the Global
Reporting Initiative Guidelines (GRI G4), the core of AIA’s CR Action Plan and CR Reporting is
the bi-annual Materiality exercise, where AIA Management identifies, prioritises and validates
the sustainability aspects that are essential for the company and its stakeholders. In 2015, AIA
progressed its materiality analysis by enhancing the identification and rating process of material
issues and by taking into account the recently introduced Sustainable Development Goals of
the United Nations, building on our steady commitment towards the UN Global Compact
since 2008. The outcome of the exercise determines the content of our 2015 CR Report and
constitutes the focus of the independent CR assurance process. This essential corporate practice
of consistently acting upon and transparently reporting on “what matters, where it matters” is the
pinnacle of AIA’s enduring efforts for corporate responsibility.

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