Page 41 - Annual Report 2015 EN






Page 41 - Annual Report 2015 EN
P. 41
Annual Report 2015

Employer’s Responsibility

AIA’s people is a valuable resource Performance Management System” participated in the courses of airline
and a key business differentiator. was offered to a total of 524 management, air traffic forecasting and
AIA always aims at treating all appraisees. the workshop for PRMs.
employees equitably, providing
them with a safe and sustainable AIA’s Training Furthermore, during 2015 AIA
working environment and investing Plan 2015: participated in the “Erasmus+”
in continuous development, which Τotal of European project for Vocational
in turn yields consistent and above Education and Training with ten AIA
average performance. 19,694 employees visiting Munich Airport.

In 2015 the Employee Performance training hours, As a responsible employer aligned
Management System was renewed 100% of employees with market practices, AIA provides
as to improve target setting at attending at least to all open-ended and fixed-term
individual level and employee one training session. employees a group insurance
competency measurement to reinforce programme which includes medical,
the corporate mission, vision and 28.97 life, and disability coverage.
values. Global best practices were
adopted and an extensive training was training hours/per 1,857 persons are insured, including
deployed in two phases: FTE dependents who are covered with
• The workshop “Effective Target the medical plan. Furthermore, all
Other noteworthy AIA training open-ended employees are offered a
Setting” was addressed to the team activities in 2015 included the pension programme of whom 96.3%
of 75 appraisers, aiming to build a “Emerging Leadership” seminar for have selected to participate with own
common understanding towards the our first line supervisory staff and three contribution.
goal setting process. “Train the Trainer” workshops for AIA
• In the fourth trimester of 2015 a internal trainers leading to certification. At the end of 2015 our headcount
major training activity involved was 620 people under open-ended
all AIA employees. Specifically, AIA serves as an accredited contracts and 52 under fixed-term
all appraisers attended the course ACI Training Center and three contracts. The average age of our
“Employee Performance Appraisal training courses took place in 2015 employees is 44.05 years old and with
& Giving Feedback Workshop”, at our premises targeted at airport a high educational background. The
while the course “New Employee professionals form the aviation industry. 30% of our personnel reside at the local
Forty-five aviation professionals communities, reflecting our seamless
including twelve AIA employees connection with the Mesogeia area.

Human Resources Information System e-services platform

Focusing on paperless • e-training provides access • e-Performance Management
administration of HR to all employees and their System introduced online
processes, employee immediate Supervisors to access to performance targets
engagement and efficiency individual training records and performance evaluations
maximisation, new services enabling them to identify and made the process more
were introduced in 2015: and plan training needs. substantial and productive.

• e-Time-attendance, • e-Transportation facilitates
e-Overtime and Shift employees for submission
Management module of transportation preference
decentralised the monitoring for the following year.
process from HR by
providing Line Management • e-Pension relates to
staff with immediate access employee submission of
to subject information. pension plan information. | 41
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