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In this context, AIA maintained all charges unchanged interesting spots in Athens, with a significant number
during 2011 without any inflationary adjustments. This of enterprises, shops, museums, cultural sites offering
freezing of charges - for a third consecutive year- was discounted prices and special rates to the foreign
complemented by the extension of the special seasonal visitors of Athens. Apart from promoting the city,
support program titled “Passenger Seasonal Incentive” through this program AIA wishes to provide foreign
for the period November 2010 – May 2011, aiming at visitors with the chance to make the best possible use
supporting carriers with an increase in their passenger of their time in Athens and enjoy its unique and most
traffic vs the corresponding period in 2010. Moreover, interesting aspects. City breakers, who represent 67%
centralized Infrastructure prices remained unchanged of the total foreign arrivals are taking advantage of the
for the fourth consecutive year, while the relevant program with the use of a unique “city-card”, offered
centralized infrastructure incentive program continued. free of charge. Within almost two months (Nov’11-
The PRM charge also remained unchanged for 2011 Jan’12), the total number of cards given out to foreign
versus 2010. visitors reached 14.000, while participating companies,
restaurants and cultural spots reached almost 160 and
Taking into consideration the intense political turmoil are increasing constantly. The card’s main advantages
in the N. Africa region, AIA introduced supportive are that it is easy to get, free of charge and offers a
schemes to assist carriers operating scheduled services wide range of services and products; as such, the
out of Athens to the specific destinations in order to «athenspotlighted» program aspires to become yet
deal with the severe market conditions resulting from another good reason for travelers to choose Athens as
the geopolitical turbulence. In total, during 2011, 53 of their destination.
our airline partners benefited significantly from AIA’s
developmental incentives & marketing support, with Airlines’ contribution to the airport’s performance in
the total respective amount exceeding €6.5 million. the course of 2011 was acknowledged by AIA for the
8th consecutive year by accrediting airlines for the most
The airline industry, in recognition of AIA’s consistent successful passenger traffic development during 2011
and dynamic support to the airlines’ development (see Table 5.1). The awards were presented in February
efforts through its wide-scale and innovative marketing 2012 during AIA’s 12th Airline Marketing Workshop,
programs and despite the country’s severe economic the major airline networking event hosted by Athens
problems and overall traffic downturn, rewarded International Airport.
AIA in the course of 2011. More specifically, AIA was
distinguished twice within the framework of the OAG- Table 5.1 Winner
Routes Airport Marketing Awards, both for Europe,
during the ’11 European Routes conference in Cagliari, Airline Awards 2011
and globally during the 16th World Route Development Category
Forum, in Berlin.
Best Performing New Entrant Belle Air
Despite the adverse conditions in the Athens aviation Best of the Top 10 Airlines Air France
market and the country’s economy, in 2011 AIA received Fastest Growing Airline -Thin Route Air Malta
two additional significant international distinctions for Fastest Growing Airline - Seasonal Air Canada
its successful business model and strong performance.
The Institute of Transport Management in the UK Western Europe Brussels Airlines
named AIA “European Airport of the Year 2011” Olympic Air
acknowledging AIA’s high quality customer services Fastest Growing Eastern Europe Etihad Airways
and superior design, its award-winning marketing Airline per Brussels Airlines
programs, strong entrepreneurship and corporate
responsibility, while AIA was also acknowledged as a Geographical Middle East Aegean Airlines
Distinguished Honoree at the International Business Region
Awards in Abu Dhabi in the “Company of the Year-
Transportation” category. Overall

In November, AIA launched a significant initiative, the Favourite Airline
«athenspotlighted» program, aiming at reversing the (as per AIA’s Passenger Survey )
negative image of the city of Athens and boosting its
attractiveness as a city break destination for foreign
visitors. The program promotes and highlights the most

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