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Chart 5.2 2011

AVA per Business Unit Chart 5.3

2011 Revenues from Airport Charges Breakdown

Note: The segmentation of the Business Units is for VBM purposes only and not Chart 5.4
related to regulatory Air/Non-Air Activities segmentation
2011 vs. 2010 Revenues from Airport Charges
Safe, orderly and efficient airport operations were
maintained throughout 2011 by the Aviation Business
Unit, offering a high level of service, maintaining close
cooperation with stakeholders in order to ensure the level
of the airport’s operational and quality performance.

Revenues from airport charges amounted to of €158.5
million, presenting a decrease of 8.9% versus 2010, mainly
affected by the traffic shortfall. Revenues from ground
handling activities and airside concessions amounted to
€41.4 million, demonstrating a decrease of 9.4% against
2010, in line with traffic performance.

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