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traffic, generating €17.5 million revenues during 2011, PROPERTY BUSINESS UNIT
a drop of 3.2% versus the previous year. Looking into The PBU is active in the fields of Real Estate Development,
the parking products portfolio, the long-term share in Airport’s Offices & Auxilliary Space Leases, Cargo
revenues reached 70%, while short-term and executive Business Development, Assets & Utilities and Facilities
valet parking contributed 21% and 9% respectively. Management. Contrary to the general market’s extended
downturn in 2011, the Property Business managed to
In broader terms, the negative effect of the domestic yield approximately €39.0 million in revenues, just 1.9%
economic downturn on car use is evident for a second year down from previous year.
in a row. The impact is depicted in the airport curbside
vehicle traffic which presented a drop of 7.1% versus the Chart 5.7
previous year. Nonetheless, the private car remained the
favoured means of transportation to and from the Airport 2011 Property Direct Revenues Breakdown
for 2011, gaining a share from its main competitor, the taxi.
Within this context of lower car use and passenger traffic, Chart 5.8
the Long-Term and Short-Term parking products were
both affected; yet they were aided, to a certain extent, 2011 vs. 2010 Property Direct Revenues
by certain parking-use promotion activities and discount
programs. The Executive Valet Parking remained at 2010
revenue level, exhibiting a rather inflexible performance.

In 2011 the socio-economic unrest was also marked by
numerous strikes, i.e. taxis, public transport & HCAA,
that inevitably hindered Airport operations. Within this
context, the Terminal Services department managed
to offer its services with diligence and consistency to
all Airport users without compromising the set service
standards. More than 1.150.000 airport users were
directly assisted by the Terminal personnel, while the
Airport’s Call Centre delivered reliable information
services to the public by efficiently handling nearly
509,000 calls. In terms of “incoming calls answered in
less than one minute” the Call Centre topped last year’s
performance by achieving 95.7% versus 93.6%.

Moreover, extending the Terminal Services portfolio to
cover passengers’ information needs in areas where there is
no dedicated airport presence, three (3) mobile Information
Counters were deployed to cover these areas when needs
arose. These mobile counters, primarily intended to provide
“quick assistance” to passengers seeking information
related to transfer procedures and airport services,
will certainly facilitate passengers during operational
irregularities and/or crisis incidents in the future.

Finally, the Terminal Services department was actively
engaged in the Athens 2011 Special Olympics World
Summer Games during Arrivals & Departures processes;
TRS staff facilitated the whole arrival process, supporting
athletes from the aircraft, through Passport Control
and Baggage Reclaim to the tour bus loading area,
ensuring their safe and comfortable stay at the Airport,
while during Departures process, they coordinated the
movement of all delegations and their members from the
curbside to the gate, ensuring a safe and comfortable
passenger flow.

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