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Chart 3.13 2011

Development of International Flights Chart 3.14
per Region 2011
International Cargo Uplift 2010-2011

Cargo Uplift Chart 3.15
Focusing on the cargo sector, airfreight volumes declined
for a third consecutive year, with reduced consumer Domestic Cargo Uplift 2010-2011
spending and the associated low consumption of goods
being more than evident, especially in the development
of international imports, which have proven to be highly
volatile. As a result, international inbound freight on the
one hand and domestic outbound volumes on the other
- since distribution of imported goods to the domestic
market is also serviced through the airport - were the
sectors which suffered considerable losses during 2011
(-13.4% and -26.3% respectively).

In contrast, international outbound traffic was less
affected and managed to sustain only a 3% decline, a
promising result that is attributed also to the support
and promotion of Greek exports by public or private
institutions. In addition, it is worth noting that five
months in 2011 demonstrated an increase compared
to the same months last year in the specific segment.
As per air mail, mail volumes exhibited a better overall
performance compared to freight in the course of 2011,
with international outbound mail even demonstrating
an increase of 3.9% compared to the previous year (see
Charts 3.14, 3.15).

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