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03. Market Overview 2011

sectors, reflecting the low propensity to travel by the AIA’s international traffic is mostly scheduled, with
Greeks, as well as the damaged image of the city and the passengers travelling with charter services accounting
country, due to the crisis and subsequent industrial actions for a slim 2%. As per international scheduled traffic, it
(see Chart 3.4). heavily relies on passengers travelling within Europe,
accounting for more than 80% of the specific segment,
Chart 3.4 while more than half of these passengers travel to/from
the top 10 European destinations. London, Larnaca,
Quarterly Passenger Traffic Development 2011 Paris and Rome consistently hold the top four positions,
despite the fact that they experienced traffic decline in
the course of 2011. The German airports of Munich and
Frankfurt follow in the next two places, with Munich
retaining the 2010 volumes, but Frankfurt presenting a
small passenger traffic drop. The favourable performance
of the Istanbul, Amsterdam, Zurich and Brussels routes
should be noted, the latter entering the top 10 at the
expense of Milan (see Chart 3.6).

Chart 3.6

Top 10 European Scheduled Destinations

Focusing on the passenger traffic evolution in the major
international arenas, all regions experienced a reduction
in passenger volumes, with Eastern Europe presenting the
most limited drop (-1%), followed by Western Europe and
the Middle East (-2%); America and Asia experienced a
traffic decline of 4% and 5% respectively, while the African
market suffered a dramatic drop of 41%, mostly attributed
to the events of the Arab Spring (see Chart 3.5).

Chart 3.5

International Passenger Traffic Development
per Region 2011

Outside Europe, once again the top 10 destinations
account for over 80% of the particular sector, with
New York leading the way and the Middle East airports
playing a reshuffling game; Doha’s dynamic development
brought it to second place surpassing Dubai with falling
passenger volumes, Tel Aviv grew and climbed up one
notch to 4th place, and Bahrain, despite its marginal
losses, managed to enter the top 10, crowding out
Singapore. Moving to the west, Philadelphia, although
serviced by seasonal operation, managed to gain the 9th
position, with Toronto being the other north American
airport to be included in the the top league and climbing
up to 7th place (see Chart 3.7).

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