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03. Market Overview 2011

Key Developments 2011 In more detail, the year 2011 ended with the airport’s
The global aviation industry presented a strong traffic domestic passenger throughput substantially reduced
increase in 2011, with passenger traffic worldwide growing compared to the previous year (-11.9%), reflecting
by 5%, however with considerable inter-regional disparity, mostly Greek residents’ low propensity to travel, and
reflecting the different economic environments in each international air travellers presenting only limited losses
regional market. European airports showed resilience in (-3.1%), indicative of the resilience of international
the face of the economic slowdown that has persisted markets to the adverse trends (see Chart 3.1).
in European countries, exhibiting a 7% passenger traffic
increase over 2010; however, the volcanic ash crisis in april Chart 3.1
2010 and the harsh weather conditions in December 2010
should be taken into consideration with respect to the Passenger Traffic Development 2010-2011
comparison of 2011 vs 2010.

Despite the favourable aviation industry results in Europe
and the world, for Athens International Airport (AIA),
2011 was one of the most challenging years. The key
factors influencing air traffic through Athens, both on
the demand and the supply part of the equation, were
the country’s critical financial and economic situation,
the tarnished image of both the city of Athens and the
country as a whole, the home-based carriers’ substantial
network rationalization and route development changes
of both the home based and the foreign carriers.

Amidst these adverse developments, Athens International
Airport’s passenger traffic managed to present limited
losses at a level of 6.3%, while the number of air services
flown experienced a sharper decline of 9.6%.

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