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Chart 5.7 users with relative information, thus contributing to the
2009 Commercial Revenues Breakdown promotion of the city.

ADVERTISING 9% DUTY FREE 17% The Marketing and Communication Plan for the Shopping
SERVICES 14% Centre was focused on marketing and co-promotional
activities aiming to communicate the competitive prices of
FOOD & TRAVEL the Airport Shopping Centre. In this context, the “Best Price
BEVERAGE 18% VALUE 21% Guarantee” campaign, promoting the competitive prices
of the Airport Shopping Centre, was enhanced in terms of
OTHER DUTY PAID 21% exposure in the Airport premises and was also communicated
in the Mass Media. As a result, the awareness of the “Best
Chart 5.8 Price Guarantee” campaign was substantially raised.
2009 vs. 2008 Commercial Revenues
With regards to airport car parking, the passenger car parking
14.0 facilities generated €18.2 million revenues, presenting an
increase of 2.7% versus previous year, while respective O&D
12.0 11.2 passenger traffic presented a slight decrease of -0.7%.
10.3 10.5 The long-stay, short-stay and executive valet parking products
8.0 10.0 contributed to the overall growth revenue generation by
6.0 9.4 67%, 25% and 8% respectively, with the long-stay being the
4.0 top-performing service in terms of revenues (9.7% growth)
8.4 8.7 8.6 and transactions (5.8% growth). Car parking availability has
been guaranteed to Airport users at all times, even when
€ Million 6.5 6.7 during 2009 Christmas holidays demand surpassed the
previous historical peak by 15%, reaching 7,200 spaces.
4.3 It is important to highlight that car consistently remains
the favourite means of transportation for airport users.
2.0 Private car use has significantly increased, arising from 31%
in 2008 to 35% in 2009, gaining share primarily from its
0.0 08 09 08 09 08 09 08 09 08 09 08 09 main competitor, taxi transportation.
Other Duty Food &
Duty Free Travel Value Paid Beverage Services Advertising Towards that direction, the car parking facilities marketing
campaign, focusing on value for money services, has been
In close co-operation with the terminal Concessionaires, emphasized throughout the year, increasing awareness to
fifteen (15) of the existing commercial facilities were the airport users and boosting car parking use, especially
refurbished, improving the airport aesthetics. Additionally, for long-stay and holiday users.
a new fashion store and four concept/brand changes in
existing units were implemented, adjusting to changes in At the same time, in the process of effectively and timely
consumer needs and market trends. planning of car parking capacity, and following the decision
for the car parking facilities expansion through a high-quality
In addition, new commercial facilities and concepts were covered multi-storey parking lot, the detailed design of the
added such as a shop at the Arrivals Level (baggage Multi-Storey Car Park for a 7-level facility at the existing
reclaim area), offering to arriving passengers best selling P1 area commenced in 2009.
products (perfumes, liquor, confectionery etc.) at prices
equal to those offered at Duty Free. In addition, the City In 2009, terminal services staff continued to manage
of Athens Info Point was added providing all airport effectively the terminal operations and offered high quality
services to the airport users. Terminal personnel served
more than 1,192,500 airport users, while the Airport’s
Call Centre provided reliable information services to the
public and efficiently handled more than 644,000 received
calls. Quality of service reached high levels, since 97.2% of
incoming calls were answered in less than one (1) minute.
Additionally, the General Aviation Facility handled over
11,500 flights.
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