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conducted by the Athens University of Economics & Business Upon instigation of the Non-Smoking Law for public
communicated the airport’s impact upon the local, regional areas, AIA imposed a Non-Smoking status in the terminal
and national economic and social context. The airport buildings with the exception of 4 designated smoking
business community contribution of 2.14% of Greece’s areas. Furthermore, a specific public awareness programme
GDP and the creation of over 63,000 jobs were the key was implemented. At the same time, to improve terminal
highlights of the study presented to airport community facilities, numerous projects were carried out in 2009, such
stakeholders, the local Press, and AIA employees. as the IT&T project for UFIS migration and the upgrade of
the back-up call centre.
6.1 Airport Operator’s Responsibility
Continuously aiming to upgrade the level of services offered
AIA looks after a safe, orderly and efficient operational to our passengers, the nomination of our free-press magazine
environment, and delivers sustainable value for all airport “2board” as “Best Airport Magazine” by the readers of the
users, business partners, service providers, and state “Business Destinations Travel” magazine, came in the form
authorities. of recognition for our efforts.

For a responsible Airport Company, the concept of governance 6.2 Corporate Citizenship
is deeply associated with preparedness. In 2009, we put into
effect a Business Continuity System in line with prevailing By aligning business objectives with the emerging needs of
standards and industry best practice. The new system builds the local and greater society, AIA has established a strong
upon our Business Process Management system and allows citizenship profile over the years.
us to plan for prompt and efficient recovery for a variety of
failure scenarios across the organisation. In the new system, Local Communities
occurring experience is recorded and evaluated at corporate 2009 was a remarkable year concerning our relations with
level through the “lessons learned” practice. Furthermore, Local Communities. A series of successful meetings with
continuity is tested though scheduled exercises, such as local stakeholders resulted in a better understanding of
the failure simulation exercise carried out for the baggage all common issues and contributed further to a balanced
handling system. co-existence with our local neighbours.

Preparations for winter operations included a series of Our achievements surpassed the goals defined in our annual
exercises in order to test and evaluate the airport snow Corporate Action Plan for Local Communities by responding
removal capabilities. Our full scale snow removal exercise to local needs for infrastructure projects, services, financial
involving 30 specialized vehicles and snow removal activities and material support, and social care. The most important
on both airside as well as landside, was closely monitored initiatives undertaken this year, include:
by the HCAA and other key stakeholder representatives. • financing and technical support for the maintenance of
the junior high school in the Municipality of Artemis and
A variety of crisis management exercises take place every year, construction of a playground and small park in the “Prasinos
in order to ensure preparedness and seamless cooperation Lofos” area of Artemis
among airport community parties. Such exercise was the • donation of computer equipment, photocopying machines
simulation of a major fire eruption at the fuel farm facility, and other hardware to schools in the Municipalities of
during which the RFFS (Rescue Fire Fighting Services) and all Artemis, Spata and Koropi, and rewarding of Artemis schools
parties involved proved their ability to manage such a crisis for their recycling efforts
event effectively. Furthermore, the Partial Scale Emergency • participation and support in clean-up activities of green
Exercise of 2009 this time dealing with “Aircraft Accident areas in Artemis
on the Airport” once again confirmed the high level of • support of various cultural, humanitarian, and public health
safety, readiness, training, and coordination of all parties causes in Spata and Artemis
involved in aircraft emergency situations.
Art & Culture and Social Sponsorships
Responding to the demanding conditions caused by the In 2009, AIA continued its quality promotion of Greece’s
outbreak of the H1N1 influenza, AIA supported the national cultural heritage and contemporary art to the millions of
health authorities by providing information to the travelling our visitors, with a series of exhibition events organised
public, facilitating the screening of passengers and setting in cooperation with important Greek and international
up a dedicated hold lounge facility. An Airport Pandemic
Plan was developed in close cooperation with involved
airport stakeholders.

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